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Housing Redevelopment Authority
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Last modified
5/9/2014 11:51:42 AM
Creation date
3/17/2010 3:00:26 PM
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Housing Redevelopment Authority
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5timulus Package <br />On February 17, 2009, President Obama signed N.R. 1, the "American Recovery and Rein�estment Act of <br />2009". ihe bill incEudes $7$7 billian in spending and tax cuts. Bel.ow is a list of investment and tax <br />provisions that are of particufax interest to the commercial real estate industry. <br />IREM and CCIM Institute legisla#i�e staff will continue ta monitor the implementation of the pro�isions <br />of the stimulus package and wifl keep you informed of the latest regulatory cievelopmen�s. <br />I. Apprapriations Provisions <br />COMMERCE <br />e $4.7 billion for the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program to acceleratie brpadband <br />deployrnent in underserved areas. <br />• $650 million for additional implementatiion and administration of the Digital TV converter box <br />coupon program. <br />ENERGY <br />o $6.3 billion for energy efficiency grant programs, including $3.2 billion for the Energy and <br />Conservation Slock Grants administered by the Department of Energy and �3.1 billion for <br />the State Energy Pragram. <br />o $5 billion far the Weatherization Assistance Prpgram. <br />e $300 million for the Energy Efficient Appliance R.ebate program and the Energy Star <br />prograrn. <br />• $4.5 b�llion for Electricity Deli�ery and EnErgy Reliability to modernize and impro�e the <br />electricity grid. <br />EAEVIRONMENT <br />• $200 million fqr the cleanup of leaking underground storage tanks. <br />• $4 i�illion for the Clean Water 5tate Revolving Funds. <br />• $2 biliion far the Drinking Water 5tate Re�ol�ing Funds. <br />• $100 million for Brownfields cleanup. <br />FEDERAL BUII.RING5 <br />• $4.5 biilion to convert GSA facilities to High-Perforrnance Green buildings. <br />HOUSING <br />$4 billion for the PubliC Housing Capital Fund which will assist pul�{ic hausing au�horities in <br />rehabilita�ing and retrafi.tting public housing units, including increasing the energy efficiency <br />of units and making critical safety repairs. <br />$3 6i11ion for Comrriunity Developmen# Fund, including $1 billian for the Corr�munity <br />D�velopment Block Grant program and �2 billion for the Neighborhood Stabilizatiorr <br />Program. The Neighbarhood 5#abilization Program funding will assist states, local <br />governrnents and nonprafits in the purchase and ref�abilitation of foreclosed, �acant <br />properties in order to create mare affordable housing and reduce neighborhood blight. <br />$2.25 billion far the Home In�estment Partnerships Programs which pro�ides funds to s�ate <br />housing credii agencies for capital in�estments in low-income housing tax credit project. <br />
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