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• $2.�5 biliion for Assisted Housing Stability and Energy and Green Retrofit Investments, <br />including $2 billion a�ailable tq praperty owners far rental assistance and $250 million far <br />grants or loans for energy and green retrofit investments. <br />a $100 miElion to local go�ernments and nonprofit organizations for removal of lead-based <br />paint hazards in low-income housing. <br />RURAL DEVE:I,OPMEfVT <br />• $1.38 billion additional funding far the Rural Utilities Service loans and grants for water and <br />waste dispasal faciiities. <br />$13D million acfditional f� for loans and grants for essential rural community facilities <br />including haspi#als, health clinia, health and safety �ehicles and equipment, public <br />buifdings, and child and elder care facilities. <br />TRANSPORTATION <br />• $48 billion for transportation-related infrastructure projects in�luding high►n�ay and bridge <br />construction; transit new construttion, upgrades and repairs; and high speed rail carridors. <br />II. Tax Pravisions <br />TAX INCENTIVES FOR INQNlE7L1ALS ���e,�...��„ ��`1��� <br />� Extensivn of AMT relief for 2.009. Provides more than 26 million families with tax relief in 2009 <br />by extending AMi relief for nonrefundable personal credits and increasing the AMT exemption <br />arr�ount to $70,950 forjoint filers ar�d $46,700 far individuals. <br />TAX INCE1VTiVES FOR BUSIIVE5SES <br />• 5-Y�ar Carryback vn fVet Operating Lasses far Small Businesses. Under current law, net <br />operating losses ("N�Ls") may be carried back to the twa taxable years before the year that the <br />lass arises (the "NOL carrybatk period"} and carried forward �o each of the succeedin.g twenty <br />taxabfe years after the year that the lass arises. Far 2008, the legisla�ion extends the maximum <br />NOL carryE�ack periad from two years to five years for small businesses with gross receipts of <br />$15 millian or less. <br />` Extension of Increased Small Business Expensing. Last year, Congress temporari:ly incr�ased <br />the amount that small businesses could write-off for Capital �xpenditures incurred in 2008 to <br />$250,000 �nd in�reased the phase-out threshald �or 2�08 to $800,000. This pro�ision extends <br />these temporary intreases for capital expenditures incurred in 2009. <br />• Small Business Capital Gains Extlusian. This pro�ision allows a 75% exclusion for indi�iduals an <br />the gain from the sale of certain small business stock held far more than fi�e years. This change <br />is for stack issued after the date of enactment and before January 1, 2011. <br />• Extension of bonus depreciation. Last year, Congress temporarily allowed businesses ta <br />recover the costs of capital expenditures made in 2008 faster than the ordinary depreciation <br />schedule wauld allow by permitting these businesses to immediately write-off 50% of #he cost <br />of depreciable property acquired in 2008 for the use in the United States, ihis pra�ision <br />extends this temporary benefit for ca.pital expenditures incurred in 2p09. <br />• Cancellation of Debt Incorne. 7his section provides tax relief for businesses tha.t reacquire, <br />satisfy ar otherwise discharge debt obligations at a. discount in 2009 and 201p. The law permits <br />businesses ta defer any tax on 20Q9 and 2010 cancellation of debt incarrse until 2014. The new <br />