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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
3/22/2010 11:55:09 AM
Creation date
3/22/2010 11:54:59 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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containment system that is built to hold 110% of their largest tank. The tanks are <br />within concrete containments. Member DeBenedet asked if they will be required <br />to infiltrate some of their storm water on site. Kent Peterson answered their <br />engineer has designed the site but he has not submitted for an application yet. <br />Member DeBenedet proposed that there not be infiltration from the site. <br />Member Stenlund asked if instead of infiltration of the water, perhaps it could be <br />reused to control the dust during production instead. He also asked for a Material <br />Safety Data Sheet on what is in the dust that is produced, where do they get water <br />from and where do they get lead from. Libby Henderson answered the lead <br />comes from natural gas. Member Stenlund asked if they will be looking at new <br />materials. Kent Peterson answered they have looked at porous pavement. <br />Member Stenlund asked about the material that is left on the road from the trucks <br />that leave the site. Kent Peterson answered there will be daily sweeping. <br />Member Stenlund explained in other states there is a wheel wash out system to <br />wash the trucks before leaving the site. John Kittleson stated washing the trucks <br />is a possibility 5 to 10 years in the future. <br />Member Felice asked how noise will be contained. Kent Peterson answered the <br />truck drivers will be asked to not bang the trucks. People around the plant will be <br />able to have a normal conversation with the noise coming from normal operation <br />of the plant. The noise generated by the concrete crushing done twice a year <br />would not be louder than the traffic from the highway. Duane Schwartz asked <br />what time of year the crushing would be done. Kent Peterson stated it would be <br />done in spring and fall. <br />Duane Schwartz stated having a Bituminous Roadways plant in Roseville would <br />save about $5000 to $10,000 per year on maintenance costs and has potential for <br />savings for construction projects. <br />Member DeBenedet mentioned his concern about the noise from loaders backing <br />up and asked what time of day this would be happening. Kent Peterson stated <br />there are ways to deal with this noise like having a camera on the back of the <br />truck instead. <br />Member Gjerdingen asked about the traffic numbers on Walnut Street. Kent <br />Peterson answered that 65% of the traffic would be going south and 35% would <br />be going north. <br />Member Vanderwall asked if there were any non-Roseville residents near by the <br />site. Libby Henderson answered there is not. Member Vanderwall asked about <br />the dust from the plant when it rains. Libby Henderson and John Kittleson <br />explained it would be minimal. Member Stenlund stated there could be <br />something in the runoff and that should be filtered out and stay on the site. <br />Member Vanderwall asked if the machines that are used for the concrete crushing <br />are on the site or if they are brought it. Kent Peterson stated they are brought in <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />
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