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Last modified
3/23/2010 2:28:01 PM
Creation date
3/23/2010 2:26:52 PM
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Public Works Commission
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for 75% of our fuel consumption. We are right where we should be because today <br />the market prices exceeded what we are locked into for the rest of the year at a <br />base price of $1.45 + state tax. <br />Member DeBenedet asked a question regarding the opining of bids on street. <br />projects coming up. Are all budgeted for and does a significant percentage comes <br />out of the City general funds? <br />Duane Schwartz said the mill/overlay projects are funded from the interest <br />bearing street infrastructure fund. Deb Bloom said the State Aid projects are <br />coming from the Municipal State Aid fund and water, storm sewer, and sanitary <br />are coming from enterprise funds. A portion of the RoseIawn project is assessed. <br />Member DeBenedet asked where the seal coating funds came from and Duane <br />answered, the general fund. DeBenedet asked if bids came in lower than expected <br />on street paving projects, it would not preempt more money. Duane said that it <br />would not unless the council chose to fund it through the infrastructure fund. <br />Member DeBenedt asked about a mailing that came from an out-of--state company <br />regarding insurance program on sewer and water services. Deb Bloom explained <br />that a private company . There are inaccuracies in the mailing that say the service <br />in th.e right of way is the City's responsibility. Member DeBenedt asked that a <br />report on this be in the next city newsletter and also get in touch with the <br />company and ask that they send a corrected letter. <br />Member Vanderwall asked about checking permits issued for sewer work done in <br />order to see the frequency of this happening: Deb said not often. <br />Member Willenbring asked if research had been done to find out how many <br />gallons per s.y. an average rain garden would soak up. Deb Bloom said it <br />depends on the soil in the area as different soils have different infiltration rates. <br />5. Highway 36 and Rice Street interchange Design <br />Member DeBenedt asked how pedestrians and bicycles will be handled. Deb has <br />been meeting with the active Living Ramsey County bicycle group (LRC) which <br />reviewed this last Thursday. There will be 6' sidewalks along each sides of the <br />road. There is also a shoulder for the majority of Rice Street except from <br />Minnesota to Co Road B. The design manual recommends an off street bicycle <br />facility. It was recommended by the group to widen the 6' path to 8' on both <br />sides, especially over the bridge for safety and maintenance purposes. The City <br />will be responsible to maintain these sidewalks. The width and setback of <br />sidewalks is also a concern, also. The desired width is 8'. <br />Member Vanderwall expressed that because of no driveway access to Rice Street <br />from Capital View, this will be a definite safety hazard. Deb spoke of a turn <br />around in this location. Member Vanderwall explained that school buses will not <br />enter a cul-de~sac less than a % mile long unless there is a handicapped child <br />
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