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Last modified
3/29/2010 3:02:38 PM
Creation date
3/23/2010 2:29:59 PM
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Public Works Commission
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indicated. Councilmember Ihlan further opined that, while there were <br />state standards to be met, there was nothing addressing City concerns and <br />how the City participated in enforcing those standards. Councilmember <br />lhlan expressed concern that all of those who may be impacted by this <br />CUP approval may not even be aware that this was before the City <br />Council, without further and a much wider range of notice being provided <br />before action. was considered. <br />Councilmember Johnson noted that the Planning Commission minutes <br />addressed responses to environmental issues, and the plant proposed to <br />meet or exceed federal and state requirements. <br />Applicant Representatives: Kent Peterson, President of Bituminous <br />Roadways; Libby Henderson, Environmental Consultant for <br />Bituminous Roadways, working with asphalt plants throughout the <br />State of MN; John Kittleson, ~i`ce President of Bituminous Roadways, <br />Inc,; and Gary Johnson, Anderson Engineering, project engineer. <br />Applicant representatives, based on their specific areas of expertise, <br />addressed various concerns, including comments related to frequency of <br />auditing by the Environmental Protection Agency {EPA) and MPCA with <br />a base line- stack test upon initial operation of the plant based on their <br />production level and annual reporting produced and submitted to the <br />MPCA providing measurement of emissions for the year {sample report <br />from one of the applicant's other plants submitted for review); <br />clarification of various chemical acronyms regulating criteria pollutants <br />and based on specific volumes for emissions; identification of this plant as <br />a "medium course as per MPCA regulatory structures under a registration <br />permit; and the actual gross volume per year of allowable and actual <br />pollutants. <br />Further discussion included assurances that actual public health concerns <br />were being addressed beyond strict legal standards and EPA requirements; <br />federal standards and state implementation of those federal regulations and <br />enforcement and management of compliance of asphalt plants; portable <br />plants versus permanent sites and monitoring of each site; voluntary audit <br />work far checklist for compliance; and. distance that pollutants or <br />emissions may travel from the actual plant site. <br />Mr. Peterson addressed improved industry technologies proposed for this <br />plant, including a "knock-out system" and a "bag house;" allowing for <br />larger particles to be removed from the system and filtered through <br />various filter bags and recycled through the plant, allowing for minimal <br />particulates leaving the stacks. <br />Nls. Henderson advised that people would observe steam from the stacks <br />as the drum dried water off the rocs; and that typically odor would <br />
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