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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
3/29/2010 4:06:14 PM
Creation date
3/23/2010 3:21:17 PM
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Public Works Commission
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Roseville PWET Co~runission Meeting Minutes <br />Page 3 -January 26; 2010 <br />Recreation Association; surrounding community representatives, as well as <br />business community representatives, would then weigh into the process. <br />Discussion among Commissioners and staff included the role of the PWET <br />Commission to the Parks and Recreation Commission particularly if parks are to <br />achieve walkway connectivity as the Master Plan process was completed; <br />involvement of Watershed Districts on the Technical Advisory Team for the <br />Master Plan process t.o discuss opportunities and concerns based on impacts and <br />relationships throughout the metropolitan area and it's storm water systems; and <br />the intent to have a future listening session of all Ads-,isory Commissions to <br />further communication. <br />Member Vanderwall noted the previous data collected,bv the City Center Task <br />Force that maybe useful. to the Master Plan CAT. <br />Further discussion included recognizing `that amenities, such as a community <br />center, will require resources, and whether a Park bond referendum was indicated, <br />similar to that done in 1960. ' <br />Mr. Brokke noted. that it v~~c~uid take the entire :community working together <br />cooperatively with heavy citizen in~~olvement and'supl~ort. <br />5. Roseville Citizens League Trans~~ortatio~i Update anil Discussion <br />The Roseville Citizen League (1ZC'L), represented by RCL Transportation <br />Subcommittee Cltair :Roger Toogood (601 Terrace Court), had identified a <br />number of intersections that they .::felt needed additional consideration for <br />improvement to fitnctio~ at an impro~-ed-service level. A promotional. brochure <br />on the work of the RCL tivas distributed by Mr. Toogood as a bench handout. <br />R~~r. ToogUOd presented the PWET Commission with background information on <br />their efforts and :their ugge5tans for prioritizing the improvements; and staff <br />provided the status of future projects that may impact some of the perceived <br />needs. Mr. Toogood advtsed that transportation had been an area of focus over <br />the past five (5) years, with members of the RCL actively involved in the 2030 <br />Comprehe~~sive Plan, and supporting the five (5) goals outlined in the final <br />document. 1\.-Tr. Toogood advised that the RCL had held a Transportation Forum <br />on October 1< X008, seeking citizen input; and prompting the RCL responses for <br />intersections of concern. <br />Mr. Toogood advised that the RCL's motivating findings from the forum <br />indicated that the basic concerns were those of: too much time spent stacked at <br />intersections waiting to make a left andlor right hand turn, due to the lack of turn <br />lanes; safety concerns, as well as pollution and fuel costs and concerns related to <br />delayed idling at those intersections; and the need to improve traffic flow overall <br />in the City of Roseville. 1VIr. Toogood noted that the RCL was aware of the lack <br />of funds to pursue all of the proposed improvements; however, he advised that the <br />
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