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Draft Resolutions from June 10, 2006 meeting discussion p. 3 of 3 <br /> <br />ISSUE: Enforcement of Propert y Maintenance Code—The City ma y not have adequate staff to <br />properly review and enforce initial impleme ntation of Property Maintenance Code . <br /> <br />Ideas/Suggestion for Recommendations <br />• Allocate a portion of the HRA levy to be used for property maintenance enforcement if <br />rental licensing program doesn’t go forward. <br /> <br />ISSUE; Equity/Fairness—The group did not discuss this issue at length. It was pointed out that <br />renters have several options unde r current Codes and State law. <br />• The new Property Maintenance Code address many safety issues. <br />• Renters are “eyewitnesses” and have the ri ght to file a complaint with the City. <br />• Renters are protecte d under State law. <br /> <br />Public Input Component <br />Two opportunities for the public to provide input have been announ ced in the HRA newsletter. <br />The dates are July 24 and August 7. Given th e short timeframe, the group decided not to <br />promote the July 24 comment session any further. If individuals do show-up to make a <br />comment, they will be given time on the agenda . But the Committee will not actively solicit <br />broad public input until it has been able to cl arify from whom it wants comment and on what <br />issue/item comment is needed. A more targeted outreach effort will be made at that time.- <br /> <br />Next Meeting <br />The group requested that the City attorney attend the next meeting, as members would like legal <br />advice specifically related to streamlining the in vestigation and resoluti on process with problem <br />properties and the feasib ility of various options under consideration. <br /> <br />In addition, Michelle Bonine will attend the presentation in Burnsville about the first 6-months <br />experience of its new ordinance and will provide a summary next time, and Nathan Seibel will <br />explore with the University options related to information and interventions that can be taken <br />regarding off campus students who might be in violation of city ordinances. <br /> <br />The meeting ended at approximately 7:00 PM. <br /> <br />Recorders: Dennis Welsch and Carol S