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Meeting date: July 24, 2006 p. 3 of 4 <br /> <br />Burnsville Licensing Program Report <br /> Angie reported that someone from the Alliance attended the public meeting on the <br />program and gave the following summary. (A prin tout of the PowerPoint slides could be made <br />available.) <br /> All parties say that the program is a success. <br /> The City included judges as part of their education program prio r to implementation. <br /> 79% of the rental properties are in the city ’s STAR Program, an incentive program that <br />includes no fees if properties qualify for participation. It also focuses on <br />education/information regarding requirements. <br /> As of June, the City reported 72 “1 st strikes”, of these, only 5 became “2 nd strikes”. <br /> Single-family homeowners are positive about the program. <br /> Police are able to follow-up on complaints because they have the necessary tools. <br /> Policy help to collect data. <br /> The program is staff by 1.25 FTE. 2 people are from the police department and 1 person is <br />from the Utility department. <br /> They, too, face the challenge of identi fying rental vs owner-occupied housing. <br /> Their next steps include: 1) improving data management; 2) auditing the STAR program; <br />and 3) creating a STAR pr ogram for all properties. <br />In follow-up discussion, the group no ted that program costs are paid for out of the City taxes. <br />Also, there was a lot of education upfront. <br /> Jeanne suggested that it mi ght be worthwhile to do a comparative analysis between <br />Burnsville and Roseville, looking at such fact ors as population, tax ba se, and age of housing <br />stock. <br /> Annette asked Angie and Michelle how they, as multi-family property manager, would <br />feel about being included in a licensing program . Neither anticipated opposition to a rental <br />program among multi-family property owners, especi ally if Roseville has an inclusive process <br />that includes multi-family property owners. <br /> <br />Northwestern College <br /> Paul reported on recent college discussions on this issue. <br /> The college does not want to give student name s and addresses to the City. They have a <br />policy not to shar e this informati on with the public. <br /> The college would send an informational lette r from the City to students with Roseville <br />addresses. Although their data are quite good, there may be some inaccuracies. August <br />would be a good month to send out such a letter. <br /> The college can easily step-up education efforts: <br />o The college maintains an off-campus rental housing book in which property <br />owners can advertise apartm ents, rooms, houses. This could be shared with the <br />City and information sent to these property owners. <br />o The Off-Campus Program can include materials about renting limitations. <br />o The Parent Relations office maintains a we b site and information can be included <br />on it. <br />o The college will work with the City to follow-up on violations that involve their <br />students. Many things c ould be done immediately. <br />Additional group discussion items included the following ideas.