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Cathy Bennett <br /> <br />>>> roger hess jr <> 9/29/2006 8:48 AM >>> <br /> <br />i don't think overcrowding of homes is a major cause of deaths in the united states. and, guess what, every <br />person in the world will die at some time. no matter ho w much government tries to control every aspect of our <br />lives, we will still die some da y. instead of worrying about overcrowded housing, the people pushing for rental <br />housing licensing in roseville should first post government agents in grocery stores and restaurants to check <br />each person's wei g ht and control what they can purchase, since heart disease is a much g reater cause of death <br />than overcrowding of housing. maybe government agents should be tracking each of us every day to see how <br />much exercise we get. <br /> <br />i'll bet more people die falling in ba throoms in the united states each ye ar than die from overcrowding in <br />housing. so, following the rental licens ing people's logic, we should ban ba throoms in houses or at least have <br />inspection of homes and licensing of homes with bathrooms so that the city can track any problems that occur <br />in bathrooms. <br /> <br />all of this just points out how silly this whole rental housing license program is. the people proposing it are <br />looking for a solution to a problem that does not exist. if there was a real problem they could give us solid <br />statistics. <br /> <br />finally, the whole HRA is just a big scam for the city to be able to raise taxes wi thout having to raise the <br />general levy. actions speak louder than words. the city ha s shifted some or all of the salaries of long-time city <br />employees to the HRA and a ma j or portion of the HRA levy in 2006 wa s used as a slush fund for pet pro j ects of <br />certain members of the city council. there was no reas on to have the HRA levy funds for a rental licensing <br />program until they knew one would come into existence. the HRA knew they would face fierce opposition to <br />such a pro g ram, so they knew it would never g o into effect in 2006. the proper way to have handled this would <br />have been to explore the program in 2006 and if it was ok'd by the council, then levy for the program in 2007 <br />and implement it in 2007. as usual "true in taxation" is fa r from the truth in roseville. the HRA told us last fall <br />how they were going to spend our tax money, but that is not how they spent it. HRA funds spent on the rosevil <br /> le visioning process should have been spent only on the housing component of the visioning process, not on <br />other parts. <br /> <br /> <br />roger hess jr <br /> <br />More info: http://forums.e <br /> <br />- - - - - - - - - - - <br />T his topic's messa g es may be viewed at: <br />http://forums.e <br /> <br />For digest or to update bio options (must log-in): <br />http://forums.e -issues/ <br /> <br />E-Democracy.Org rules: http://e <br />- - - - - - - - - - - <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />From: Cathy Bennett Sent: Mon 10/9/2006 7:40 PM <br />To: Cathy Bennett <br />Cc: <br />Subject: FW: [RIF] Citizen Group Rental Housing Recommendations <br />A ttachments: <br />Pa g e 1of 1 <br />10/9/2006 htt p s:// g e/Cath y .Bennett/Inbox/FW:%20[RIF]%20Citizen%20G r ...