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3/25/2010 2:28:43 PM
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Housing Redevelopment Authority
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City of Roseville - Housing & Redevelopment Authority Meeting Minutes for June 15, 20...Page 3 of 5 <br /> <br />Andrea Wicevic, 1988 Eldridge, explained that she expects this project will take until spring of <br />2005 to be completed. She mentioned that there is a wild cat in the neighborhood that she <br />believed lives in the vacant house. She mentioned that the cat has bitten people. <br /> <br />Ken Ljung, 1972 Eldridge, said five years ago he had expressed interest in purchasing the site. <br />What happens if HRA does acquire the site? Cathy Bennett explained the HRA could build on it, <br />resell or sell the parcel to others. The first step would be to demo the existing house. Public <br />notice of final disposition actions by the HRA will be published. Mr. Ljung also asked if there <br />were delinquent taxes on the property (unsure). <br /> <br />Andrea Wicevic, 1988 Eldridge, asked if a commitment letter from Mr. Wu would be required <br />(Yes). <br /> <br />Chet Mulholland, 2097 Wilder St. No., asked if attorney fees would be paid by HRA (Yes). Will a <br />time line be established by the HRA (Yes)? Will a progress checklist be created (already <br />established in packet)? <br /> <br />Terry Fleming, 2001 Eldridge, expressed concern with the vacant house becoming a safety <br />hazard as it is an attraction to younger children as a hang out. He indicated that he suspects that <br />children hang out in the backyard at night as it is secluded. The house should be demolished. <br /> <br />There being no further discussion, Chair Majerus closed the public hearing. <br /> <br />Action Items <br />8. <br /> <br />a.) Consideration of Resolution to begin the process of eminent domain of 2012 Eldridge <br />Street (HF0020). <br /> <br />Executive Director Cathy Bennett presented two action options to the Board for consideration <br />relative to the process of eminent domain for property located at 2012 Eldridge Street. <br /> <br />The first option included the adoption of a resolution that would authorize the acquisition of the <br />property at 2012 Eldridge through eminent domain, after which formal proceedings for a quick <br />take of the property could occur in about 16 weeks. <br /> <br />The second option presented was to table the resolution to allow the property owner, Mr. Wu, to <br />demolish the structure within 30 days. Mr. Wu had indicated he did not plan to demolish the <br />structure until later this year, but would remove the structure as soon as possible with a loan <br />from the HRA. Estimated cost for demolition and grading is between $10-15,000. Mr. Wu is now <br />securing bids for this work. This process would give Mr. Wu a month to proceed, after which the <br />HRA could pursue eminent domain process if Mr. Wu is unsuccessful in his efforts. <br /> <br />Member Bean asked that if an additional 30 days of non-action would occur, how can the HRA <br />expedite the house razing? How can the HRA force the issue in a timely fashion? <br /> <br />Gay Greiter, HRA Attorney from Krass Monroe, explained that the City could also make a <br />decision to raze the house immediately due to it being declared an unsafe building. Otherwise, <br />the best option for the HRA is to provide the loan to facilitate demolition. The HRA would not be <br />able to go onsite to demo the building themselves until they took title as part of the eminent <br />domain proceedings. <br /> <br />Member Kelsey explained that the eminent domain procedure should be started but to continue <br />negotiations with Mr. Wu to attempt to complete the demolition and rebuilding on the site. She <br />explained the timeline could last as long as 36 weeks and that tabling the action is only delaying <br />the process another 30 days. <br /> <br />Member Hermes asked if the Fire Department, with Mr. Wu’s approval, could burn down the <br />structure as soon as possible? (Yes, they have been informed and will need Mr. Wu’s approval). <br /> <br />Chair Majerus explained that he hoped for a timely resolution to this process. Both the HRA and <br /> <br /> <br />
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