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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
3/30/2010 10:43:07 AM
Creation date
3/30/2010 10:42:57 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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GRASS LAKE WATERSHED MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION <br />November 17, 2009 <br />Chair Eckman asked what role Roseville and Shoreview would have. Schwartz responded that <br />would be the decision of the Board. He would see updating the website and having a <br />representative as a technical advisor at each meeting. <br />Ferrington stated that it is important to maintain good communication with GLWMO <br />constituents. One of the ways to improve would be by posting meeting agendas on the website. <br />Interested residents would have time to comment and make recommendations on a matter of <br />interest before a decision is made. Schwartz stated that it is anticipated that the website will be <br />up within a week and suggested a page specifically for project updates. <br />Peterson acknowledged that there would be some ongoing cost-effective items done by city staff, <br />which can be further identified as the Board moves forward. Schwartz noted that because <br />GLWMO does not have taxing authority, GLWMO is related to the cities for funding requests <br />and the budget process. Areas where there may be an overlap of overhead can be minimized. <br />GLWMO has the latitude to create contractual relationships, such as for administrative support. <br />Ferrington stated a discussion is needed to decide on how the Board should govern itself and <br />align with various groups. He would prefer to address the Board's direction after public input <br />and would not want to move quickly. Then the Board would hold a workshop meeting to resolve <br />governance issues. <br />Resident Quitevis agreed with Ferrington and stated that getting input would make operations <br />smoother. When the Board has made decisions in the past, no one knows what is going on and <br />residents want to see results. <br />Chair Eckman agreed that she would like the residents to know ahead of time what is being <br />discussed at Board meetings so Board activities are more transparent, but unless this <br />housekeeping item is taken care of, the Board cannot carry on its activities. <br />Westerberg stated that by statute governance authority resides with the Board. The issue is to <br />resolve the need for staff, not major political issues. <br />Root agreed and stated that the proposal would provide services for productive, organized <br />meetings. He would like to see RCD start January 1, 2010. He asked if the 2010 budget would <br />increase with this proposal and whether the Board would be in the position of having to ask for <br />more money from the cities. <br />Aichinger responded that the proposal would be revenue neutral to the budget and absorbed by <br />what is allocated for Ramsey/Washington overhead education which is lumped in with website <br />community education. This category totals $14,300, which is in excess of the current proposal. <br />MOTION: by Ferrington, seconded by Root to table the decision on the administrative support <br />proposal until the Board has had time for further review with the goal of making a decision at the <br />next meeting. <br />
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