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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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4/12/2010 4:22:15 PM
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4/12/2010 4:05:01 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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<br />MEMORANDUM <br />June 27, 1996 <br />TO: County Highway Engineers <br />rces City and Township Road Authorities <br />Local Go Units (LGUs) implementing the WCA <br />One west water Street FR: xecutive Director, BWSR <br />Suite 200 <br />St. Paul, MN 55107 ~: WETLAND REGITLATI®N ®F PUBLIC R®AD PR®.TECTS: <br />(612) 296-3767 <br />Fax (612) 297-5615 GUIDANCE ANDS LIFICATION <br />field Offices I. WETLAND CONSERVATION ACT (WCA AMENDMENTS <br />Northern Region: The recent amendments to the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act <br />394 5. Lake Avenue <br />Room 403 (WCA) (1996 Laws of MN Cha ter 462 Section 2) chanced the wa <br />> 1> a y <br />Duluth, MN 55802 public road authorities' projects that impact wetlands regulated by the <br />(218) 723-4752 <br />Fax (218) 723-4794 WCA are replaced/mitigated. This change, which went into effect on <br /> April 12, 1996 and uniformly supported by a wide range of interest groups <br />3217 Eemidji Avenue N. and state agencies, places responsibility for the replacement of unavoidable <br />Bemidji, MN 56601 <br />(218) 755-4235 wetland losses due to local government road ro ects on existing roads with <br />o p ) a <br />Fax (218) 7s5-42o1 the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR). (MnDOT will use the <br /> same process but are responsible for their own replacement/mitigation). $3 <br />217 S. 7th Street <br />suite 202 <br />Million of bonding funds {1996 Minn. Laws, Chapter 463, Section 11, <br />Brainerd, MN 56401-3660 Subd. 4) were appropriated to the BWSR for this purpose over the next <br />(218) a2s-23a3 <br />Fax 1218) 828-6036 two ears. The lan ace from the statute is as follows: <br />y ~ a <br />southern Region: Subd. 1 (m) A replacement plan for wetlands is not required <br />Highway 15 5. <br />cox 756 <br />for individual projects that result in the filling or draining of <br />New Ulm, MN 56073 wetlands for the repair, rehabilitation, reconstruction, or <br />(5071 359-6074 <br />Fax (507) 359-6018 re lacentent o a currentl serviceable existin state ci coun or <br />p f y g > ~~ ~~ <br /> town public road necessary, as determined by the public <br />40-16th Street SE transportation authority, to meet state or federal design or safety <br />Suite A <br />Rochester, MN 55904 standards or re uirements, excludin new roads or roads e anded <br />q g xp <br />(507) 285-7458 solely for additional traffic capacity lanes <br /> <br />Fax (507) 280-2875 . <br />This paragraph only applies to authorities for public <br />sox 267 transportation projects that: <br />1400 E. Lyon Street (1) n:inintize the amount of wetland filling or draining <br />Marshall, MN 56258 <br />(507) 537-6060 associated with the ro ect and consider miti atin im octant <br />p .~ g g p <br />Fax (507) 537-6368 Slte-specific wetland functions on-site; and <br />Metro Region: (2) submit annual reports by January IS to the board and <br />One West Water Street n:embers of the public requesting a copy that indicate the location <br /> <br />Suite zso , <br />amount, and type of wetlands that have been f lied or drained <br />St. Paul, MN 55107 <br />(612) 282-9969 Burin the revious ear and a ro ection o the location, amount, <br />g p y p~ f <br />Fax (612) 297-5615 and type of wetlands to be filled or drained during the upcoming <br /> year. <br />An equal opportunity employer <br />Printed on recycled paper <br />
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