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_.._ ~-._.~~jnitt•ri(• a '_ 1 .1 ;e a a r, erl • ~ .1 ' e e ~.~ ----~^-~-.-... _ <br />I ..:~ aall ell a 1'`~ ,.~. <br /> <br />4410.4300, ~tbp. ?7 <br />4410.4400, aitbp. 20 <br />4410.4600, sttbp. 17 <br />A. Projects thu will change or diminish the <br />cause, atrrzat, or a~a-section of one acre <br />or more of any proteard water or praected <br />wetland ezcxpt fa chase to be drained <br />withau a permit pursuant to J4iruresota <br />Statrues, serr.Gm 105.391, strbdivisiat 3. <br />(Local) <br />B. Projects that will change ar diminish the <br />catrae, arrtrn4 or accts-u.ction of 40 pa- <br />catt or more or five or rant aara of types <br />3 through 8 wetland of 25 acres or more, <br />ezcltrding protected wetlands, if any putt of <br />the wetland is within awater-rr3ated land cue <br />maaagemeat disui;2 (Local) <br /> <br />Projects that wiII eliminate a protected water or <br />praecsed wetland ezaxpt for those to be drained <br />widratt a peffiit pursuant to ~rlimtesaa <br />Scanner, secxion 105391, subdiviu~ 3. (L,ocal) <br />Rauiae maintenance or repair of a drainage <br />ditch within the luaus of iu original <br />coastrucam flow capacity, performed within 2A <br />yeah of carsaucaon or major repair. <br />Generally, any projeu which renraves maters! from the bed, places nnt~rial on the bid. or p/acts strrrctrves oR the bed of a proteued xester or <br />prouued MrtlaRd requires aR EAW if the area of the bed to be alfeued is one acre or greater. However, if the sardowner has followed the <br />procodtves spetified iR Minn. Scat., 105391, subd. 3, and the DNR has chasers to neither acquire the wrtlaRd nor pro it s the stau waterbaRk <br />program and coRSequentty the wetland msy be ~Y be legally drained. then no EAw is required. Maps and lists of proected waters iR each couRry <br />can be obtained by coauactiRg the DNR regional oj94ce serving the catorty. <br />Projects which would impact wetlands which art not Proteued M'etlaRdr" require an EAW if thty rasa tht conditions of item B: the wetland must <br />lk at least iR pan K one of the areas limed; the rvrtlaatd mrvt 6r at feast 1S eau K assent; the xsetlaRd rarest be of type 3 to 8; and the area to <br />be affecud Root be either at least S acres or 4496 of the Madatrd. <br />"Flhnioate" - as used in the mandatory EIS category ineluda the complete drainage of a waurbady by changes in a drainage system to which it <br />rs tributary. <br />ROUtiRe maintenance ar repair of a drainage ditch tzcltdes any changes which woould iRaease the capacity of the ditch to convry Maur aver its <br />arigenal eaplaeiry. <br />wale's.'. °vr'oteucd sveclands" and 'iretland" are dt/1Red as fallawrr• <br />Protected wales includes the fotlawiRg: <br />~1. All water basrns assigned a shoreland management classifuction by the DNR CORtR!lSSiORLT pursuant ro section 105.485, euept wttlands less <br />than 80 oars H size whith err clarsi~ed as natroul environnunt lakes; <br />B. A11 Muurs of the state which have been fually duermared to be public waters ~ rravigabk Meters by a coact of conyxtrnt lurisdiuion; <br />C. All meondered lakes, except for thaw whidt have been legally da>siared; <br />D. All wntubasuu previously designated by the-DNR Commissumer fa »ranagemurt fy a sprctfrc proposr such as trout lakes and garru slmr <br />putsuaau to applicable laws; <br />B. All w,aur6easins designated as scieRtifu and RatrPQl asses pursuant to stCttan 84A33; <br />F. All wuurbarins located within and totally stvrourded by publicly owned rand:; <br />G. All waterblasins where the state of MiRnesata ar the fedoal government holds title m any of the beds or shores. unless the owner derlaru that <br />the Muter is not necessary for the purposes ~ the public ownership; <br />H.AII waurGassrnr where there is a publicly owned aatd coRao(kd access Mdaich it intended to provide for public access to the Murex basin; and <br />1. A!l Ratwa/ and altered natural waterrnussa with a foal a~ninags area grrater than two square miles. ezerpr that Hoot streams otficurlly daignared <br />by the CaavniusRer shall be public Maters regardless of the size of their drainage area. <br />The public chamuv of woater is na determined exclusively by the propriuonhip of the underlying, overlying, or surrouarditrg land or by whether <br />it is a body y stream of Muter which wins navigable in feu ~ suserptible of being usrd as a highway jar commerce at the liRU this start was <br />admitted to the union. <br />Protected wetlands include all rypa 3, 4, and S wulartdt, as defrRed in US. Fish and Wildlife Srrvite Ciscralar No. 39 (1971 edition), not included <br />within the dtlrnittoR of proteued waters, winch are ten or trots acres in size in rariRtorporated areas or 2 1/2 or more acres in iRCOrporated areas. <br />Wetland includes Types 3.4, and S wetlands as described in US. Fuh and Wr7dlife 5ervict Circular J9: <br />"Igpe 3•lnland S6alltaw Ft'e~t l~larstlet. The sor7 it terua/ly waterlogged durrRg the growutg season; often it s covered with as Retch as 6 <br />inches or Rare of wrater. Vegetatr'oR includes gmssrs, bulrushes, rpiterusha, and vyious other marsh plane such ar cattaiir. arrowheads. <br />prckerelwrtd. and snrarnaeeds. Comtmn representatives are rod, wtitstop, tier aagra:st, caret, and giana bavreed Thar marstaa Rray Wryly <br />fill shallow lake basins ar slought, or thry mQy bo-der deep manha an thr landM+iard safe. They are aLro carunoR as sup arras on urigattd <br />faauis. Marsha 'this type err used extensively as nsatirtg and fading habiaat. In ecrRbination with derpiran marshy (type 4), elaey cartrtitaae <br />the principal areas for waterfowl. <br />TyPe d'~l~d ~p F~rsh blarsfres. The soil is cavereai with 6 inches to 3 feet ar nets of Maur a5aiarg the growing stasoR. YeguatioR <br />includes rattails. reeds. bulrresha, spikerrcrha, and wildriee. In opera yeas, poardweeds, naiads. coastail, wuumsitfoiis, Muterwertts, duclw+erdr, <br /> <br />