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Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/15/2010 4:04:45 PM
Creation date
4/13/2010 8:37:39 AM
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Grass Lake WMO
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DB approves permits based solely on safety, but if an application (e.g. for another slalom) <br />were not approved by the city, he would probably not issue it. This is viewed as "good <br />business" (SP). Thus far, cities have always approved the applications. There have not been <br />"too many" applications; permitting requires DB's judgment of adequate safety (DB). Also see <br />8, 16. <br />State statute assigns enforcement to the sheriff, and that authority cannot be undercut by a <br />requirement for a city permit. Hennepin, Carver, and Ramsey counties all check with the cities <br />for controversial requests (KE). For large events, cities are more careful (ex. =Keller Lake in <br />Maplewood). The county permit application form has a city sign-off section; North will obtain <br />a copy of the permit application form from Gary Wood. <br />15. Dces any other local go~•ernment authority require their appro~•al prior to granting permits for non-profit <br />groups? What information or issues do/should they consider? What is the histor}' and legal status of the <br />requirement for city appro~ al of permit applications? <br />DB did not know about procedures followed by other government authorities for permit <br />approvals. Also see 14. <br />16. How (and by whom) are the locations of the slalom and jump determined? Which city are they in; ho«~ lar <br />are they from shore? Are these the best locations; do the}' affect boating patterns or cause congestion? Would <br />theirlocations change «•ith a 15{?' no-wake ordinance? Are there other county lakes that better locations? <br />The group seeking the permit defines the location (see 17). Safety would be a reason to <br />alter it, but input from others regarding the application would be irrelevant unless it was a <br />safety concern. A relevant safety concern would be one that stands out to anyone, not one that <br />reflects an individual preference (DB). Permits do not give holders extra rights to that area <br />except for an event in which the area is otherwise temporarily closed (e.g. on the river; KE). <br />17. Who is the permit holder for the jump and slalom in Owasso? Who has access? What is the Lake <br />O«~asso Safe Boating Club? <br />The permit holder for the slalom. and jump is the Lake Owasso Safe Boating Association. <br />They are in the same place every year. SG and NQ stated that the group is wide open to <br />membership, they are not seeking a slalom in the SW end, and a different group was <br />responsible for last year's temporary slalom. <br />18. What other types of users can obtain permits for limited use of open ~s~ater for their o~z~n use? <br />Anyone can apply for a permit; insurance may be required. Both a lake map with intended <br />site of use and city approval are required; exclusive use is not granted. Area zoning would be <br />another approach to identifying lake areas for certain types of uses (e.g. swim, PWC, non- <br />motorized) (DB). <br />1 9. Is it still reasonable to a]loa• aircraft use of Lake Owasso? What regulations control this? <br />BW described an incident last summer in which a floating plane motored only 50' from an <br />occupied dock near the very SW end of Owasso. Planes are exempt from boating laws by state <br />and federal law. Planes are controlled by the FAA and the MN-DOT Div. of Aeronautics. In <br />the East metro, only Bald Eagle, Owasso, Turtle, White Bear lakes and the Mississippi allow <br />seaplane traffic (KE). <br />2 0. Do you foresee any change in enforcement on Owasso for the future? Discuss on-water and parking <br />enforcement; lake watch group. <br />Shoreview used to pay for 300 hr/summer of water patrol enforcement which included <br />Owasso; since 1994 it has paid for 150 hr. This is in addition to its portion of 1400 hrs of <br />county-wide, county-supported water patrol and additional time contributed by deputized <br />volunteers in the county's Lakes and Trails Association. Two county boats are used to patrol <br />all county waters; volunteers are assigned to work with regular officers. In total, Shoreview <br />4 <br />
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