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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/13/2010 10:01:46 AM
Creation date
4/13/2010 8:49:43 AM
Commission/Authority Name
Grass Lake WMO
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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4 work groups were formed to address various items on the list: <br />• education to the next level (lifesyle connections) -encompassing items 3,4,6, and 9 from the above list. <br />• Partner handbook -item 8 <br />• increase use of the shed -item 5 <br />• evaluation -item 2 <br />Each of the four groups will meet again to create goal statements with milestones and work requirements. A <br />summary report on each topic will be distributed. <br />ater ulity coon / e is sign <br />The media committee has developed an action plan for the Met Council grant. The intent is to increase <br />understanding and change behaviors. The Met Council grant may be leveraged to obtain other funding. The <br />following media may be utilized: bus stops, grocery bags, radio, television. There will be a citizen component. <br />The committee is looking to target existing neighborhood organizations who have an interest in wafer quality <br />issues. If any Partners have a neighborhood group in mind for this, please call Amy at 824-8637. Amy will send a <br />draft copy of the work plan to anyone who is interested. <br />valuation, i ' 'ty, State air t er She elated to s <br />The effectiveness of the exhibit must be evaluated as part of the grant agreement. Lyndon received a <br />proposal for an evaluation utilizing focus groups which was somewhat expensive. Partners who were at the <br />meeting favored amulti-pronged approach incorporating user and visitor evaluation.. Larry said that the Science <br />Museum has an exhibit evaluator on staff who may be of use, if the funding is available. Lyndon and Deb will look <br />into this. <br />Tracy spoke with insurance representatives. Hamline is the owner of the exhibit. Tracy is considering <br />renting the exhibit out for $1.00 to Partners in order to transfer liability to the agencies using the exhibit. <br />Organizations would need a certificate of specific dollar values of liability and breakage insurance as well as <br />workers compensation for the staff. More details at the August meeting. <br />The Shed is scheduled for all 12 days of the State Fair. Partners are needed to staff the exhibit which will <br />be housed in the DNR building. The shifts will be 6 hours each and thuee people should staff the Shed. To <br />schedule a time slot for the Fair, call Suzanne at 523-2480. <br />The web site describing the Watershed Partners and the exhibit schedule will be up and running the week <br />of July 21st. <br />On July 19th and 20th, as part of the Aquatennial, there will be a family carnival with a water ski show on <br />the west side of the Broadway bridge. Friends of the Mississippi and IV'INRRA have scheduled the Shed to be there <br />but need help with staffing for both days. If anyone can help staff the exhibit please call Lyndon at 290-4160, ext. <br />232. <br />ext eeting: st , '7, location o a sumo nee <br />lease note t t t ere i a o ly eeting. <br />QUESTIONS, COMMENTS, CLARIFICATIONS? <br />Steering Committee Members: Cliff 777-3665 <br />Marie 673-3627 <br />Tracy 659-3105 <br />Pauline 229-2100 <br />Lyndon 290-4160, ext. 232 <br />WSP June 11, 1997 Meeting Minutes - MPA <br />page 2 <br />~~ pctioh <br />s <br />U ~ o <br />n <br />
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