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'~' A ~+ ~ Permit Number <br />~ ~ A'1 98-6073 <br />FOR CROSSINGS ON WATERCOURSE5 ONLY, UTILIZING <br />BRIDGES/CULVERTS DESIGNED BY A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER <br />DRA~~' <br />Pursuant to Minnesota Statutra, Chapter 103G, sad on the basis of statements and inforaration contained is the permit application, letters, maps, and pleas submitted by the <br />a~lirarrt and other summa data all ofwhich are made a nart hereof by refeTena_ PF.RMiSCinN iS HF.RF.RV (.R eNTF.n fn thn o.v.,l;rant t~ .,nri'n.,,. the avn.k ~. s.NtiM;~~ ~i,..,,• <br />Protected Water County, <br />Various water basins and watercourses as shown on the Protected Waters Ramsey <br />Inventory for Ramsey County. <br />Name ofPermittee Telephone Number (include Area Code) <br />Ramsey County Department of Public Works, Attn: Kathy 7aschke (612) 482-5222 <br />Address (No. & Streel; RFD, Box No. City, State, Zip Code) <br />3377 North Rice Street, Shoreview, Minnesota 55126 <br />Authorized Work: <br />Construct, replace, or repair bridge/culvert crossings on public waters where all the conditions and. provisions specified herein <br />are met~ <br />Purpose of Permit Expiration Date ofPerrnit <br />Public Bridge and Culvert Road Crossings December 31, 2003 <br />PropertyDeseribed as: <br />Various, within Washington County <br />Address ojProperty, if Known: <br />As Indicated in General Provision No. 11: <br />The Ordinary High Water Level <br />This permit is granted subject to the following GENERAL and SPECIAL PROVISIONS: <br />The pemr&tee u not released from say rules, regulations, requirements, or standards of any applicable federal, stale, of local agencies; including, but not limitesi to, the U.S. <br />Army Caps of Fngiaoas, Board of Water and Soil Resources, MN Pollution Control Agency. watershed districts, water management orgaaizatioas, courrty, city and township <br />zoning. This permit does not release the permlttee of any permit requirements of the St Paul District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Arnty Corps of Engineers Centre, 190 <br />Fifth Street East, St. Paul, MN 55101-163& <br />This pemut is not assignable by the petmtttee except with the written consent of the Commissioner of Natural Resources.. <br />The peradttee shall notify the Area Hydrologist at least five days in advance of the commencement of the work authorized hereunder and notify him/her of its completion within. <br />five days. The Notice of Permit issued by the Commissioner shall be kept securely posted is a conspicuous place at the site of operatioag. <br />The perarfttee shall make tm changes, without written permission previously obtained from the Commissioner of Natural Resources, in the dimensions, capacity, a location <br />of nay items of work authorized hereunder. <br />The perailttee shall great accxsa to the site at all reasonable times during and after construction. to authorized representatives of the Commissioner of Natural Resources for <br />inspection of the work authorized heretmder. <br />Tbis Permit may be terminated by the Commissioner of Natiusl Resources at any time dexmed necessary fa the conservation of water resources of the state, or in the interest <br />ofpubfic health and welfare, or far violation of any of the provisions of this permit, unless otherwise provided in the Special Provisioa~. <br />Ca>,inrction work authorizod uaderthis permit shall be completed on of before date specified above. The pernilttee may request an extension of time to complete the project, <br />stating the reason thereof upon written request to the Commissioner of Natural Resources. <br />