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!n all rill µhae the pemmssive by perfxming the work authorized by this permit shall involve the taking, using, x ' ~gng of ary ~epcrty riffs cr interests of any o~. <br />pawn or perseos, or of nay publicly avned tam or improvements Lrtereon or interests therein, the permfttre, befx: proceeding, shall obtain the v.rittcrt corscrt of all pcrsoes, <br />agencies, a authorities concerned, and shall acquire all property, rights and interests needed for the work. <br />This permit is permissive only. No liability shall be imposed by the State of Minnesota o[ nay of its officaa, agents or employees, officially or personally, on account of the <br />gaotiag harof a on accourt of any damage to nay petson a property restthing from any ad or omission of the petmtlttee or any of its agents, employees, a mnttactas. This <br />permit shall not be croasirtred as estopping a limiting nay legal claims or right of action of any person other than the state against the per~nlttee, its agents, employees, or <br />coattadtrs, fa nay damage a injury tesuhing from nay such act a omission, or as estopping or limiting any legal claim or right of action of the state against the perrahYee, <br />its agents, employees, or ooatractors for violation of x failure to comply with the permit or applicable provisions of law. <br />10. Any extension ofthe surface of public waters resuhing from work authorized by this permit shall biome protected waters and left open and unobstructed fx use by the public. <br />11. No atataisi excavated by authority of this permit nor material from any other source, except as specified herein, shall be placed on any portion of the bed of said waters which <br />lies below (as indicated above.) <br />12. Where the work atrtha¢ed by this permit involves the draining, filling or burning of wetlands not subject to DNR jurisdiction, the persnittee shall not initiate any work under <br />this permit until the permlttee has obtained official approval from the responsible governmeatsl unit as requires by the Minnesota Wetlands tvonscrvatioa Ad of 1991. <br />See Attachment A: Special Provisions <br />uthorized Signature Title ate <br />Dale E. Homuth .'~ Re 'onal H drolo 'st <br />