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4/15/2010 3:51:07 PM
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4/13/2010 2:00:24 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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The recommendations for the East Tamarack Swamp (Project 1) focus on the following goals: <br />improve the quality of the swamp, reduce nutrients entering the swamp by improving stormwater <br />treatment, improve drainage of the City Hall ponds, and lower the normal water level by lowering <br />the outlet at Bielenberg Drive. Recommended improvements include a new culvert and outlet <br />structure at Bielenberg Drive, retrofitting storm sewers entering the swamp from the south, and <br />improving the water quality treatment provided in existing ponds north of the swamp.. <br />The goals for the West Tamarack Swamp (Project 3) focus on improving the water quality of Battle <br />Creek Lake, reducing the rate of stormwater flow to the lake, and protection of I-494 during the <br />100-year flood event. Recommendations include the construction of a berm along the west end of <br />the West Tamarack Swamp adjacent to I-494, modification of the pond inlet on the Fortis property, <br />and the creation of a regional stormwater pretreatment system on the Dohlim property just north of <br />the swamp. <br />A significant preliminary finding that affects Projects 1 and 3 resulted from a recent visit made to <br />the West Tamarack Swamp by Bill Bartodziej and Fred Rozumalski, who found an incredibly <br />diverse sedge wetland that had riot bee- previously documented. Indications aie that there is more <br />value associated with this wetland community than with the documented value of the tamarack trees <br />as indicated in the species-specific focus of the Puettmann report dated July 22, 1994. Cliff <br />Aichinger pointed out that the proposed berm at the west end would result in higher bounce levels, <br />which could cause detrimental impacts to this area. The scope of the project as contained in the <br />feasibility study could be adjusted to protect any unique plant communities, based on a wetland <br />plant inventory that is also proposed. <br />The last group of recommendations is centered on the Oakdale Drainage District (Project 2), with <br />the goal of providing water quality treatment for stormwater currently discharging directly to Battle <br />Creek Lake. Anew wetland ponding area is proposed behind the Apostolic Bible Institute. An <br />existing large wetland on the Klein property would serve as a regional detention pond near the <br />I-694 / I-94 interchange. Both projects would involve easement acquisition costs. <br />Cliff Aichinger stated that all CIP numbers referenced in the feasibility study correspond. to flood <br />control or water quality inadequacies identified in the Watershed Management Plan. The proposed <br />CIP budget for next year already includes costs for the projects identified in the feasibility study. <br />The Board should review the report to make sure they are comfortable with the concepts proposed <br />for each project. When the budget is acted on in September, its approval would authorize staff to <br />proceed with the design elements of the projects identified in the feasibility study. Since many of <br />the proposed tasks hinge on the outcome of the plant inventory in the West Tamarack Swamp, <br />Cliff proposed that an estimated $20,000 be authorized from the capital improvement reserves so <br />that the plant inventory can proceed as soon as possible, then re-allocate the expense to the project <br />budget once officially approved. <br />Discussion was held on Jack Frost's expectations that there be minimal change during the design <br />phase when compared to the projects described in the feasibility study. Cliff Aichinger stated that <br />the $75,000 as budgeted for feasibility studies has been spent, so the Board would have to <br />authorize a budget increase if they want staff to scope out more detail on these projects. <br />Motion: Bob Johnson moved, Pam Skinner seconded, that the plant study be authorized with the <br />recognition that the budget for the feasibility reports be increased by $20,000 to cover the plant <br />study. The motion carried. <br />The CIB recommendations will be placed on the August agenda, and. Tom MacDonald will be in <br />attendance again. y <br />Jack Frost reported that MnDOT is looking for wetland mitigation opportunities and has ample <br />funding to assist in wetland creation projects. Denny Palmer clarified that typically, stormwater <br />storage is not considered "wetland creation." MnDOT is interested in spending money on projects <br />Page 2 July 1, 1998 RWMWD Minutes <br />
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