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Grass Lake WMO
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4/15/2010 3:51:07 PM
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4/13/2010 2:00:24 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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that will build up credits that they can apply towards their own construction projects. It is possible <br />that the proposed berm project alongside I-494 may qualify. <br />6 • PROJECT STATUS REPORTS <br />CIP and Waterway Maintenance <br />Discussion was held on the June 29 public meeting regarding the Tanners Lake Water Level Study. <br />Starting next week, on-site meetings will be arranged with the homeowners of seven of the eight <br />properties identified as non-conforming to the Watershed Management Plan's floodproofing <br />standards. Cliff Aichinger and Brad Lindaman will identify reasonable options and associated <br />costs for each property, and then determine whether it is cost-efficient based on the value of each <br />structure. Relative to the eighth parcel, the City of Landfall is proposing to demolish the vacant <br />buildings at 61 Aspen Way and raise the lot elevation. They have proposed acost-sharing <br />arrangement for the fill material at an approximate cost to the District of $12,000. <br />Discussion was held on the effectiveness of imposing lake use limitations on Tanners Lake, such <br />as boat size or speed limits, and closing lake access during periods of high water. Cliff Adch~nger <br />stated that the City of Oakdale may need to adopt an ordinance. The District will help coordinate a <br />meeting of the involved cities and agencies. Louise Watson will be contacting the Washington <br />County Sheriff to find out what process has to be followed. <br />Discussion was also held on the results of a soil test report, copies of which were distributed at the <br />Board meeting. This report was prepared by Soil Science Department interns who surveyed the <br />Battle Creek Lake and Tanners Lake watersheds last year as part of the Clean Lakes Study. At <br />least one sail sample was taken in every drainage area for a total of 98 samples, and high to very <br />high phosphorus levels were found in all but one sample. This information builds a strong case <br />that phosphorus is not required in lawn fertilizers within this watershed, and this message will be <br />built into the educational materials that Louise Watson will start to distribute in mailings to city <br />residents. <br />County Ditch 7A <br />All work is done, although the payment issues are not finalized yet. A maintenance agreement has <br />been signed with the City of Little Canada. <br />Beltline Sewer Hvdraulics/Beltline Sewer Repair <br />Motion: Roger Lake moved, Bob Johnson seconded, to approve Change Order Number 1 as <br />submitted by Abhe & Svoboda. The motion carried. <br />South Gervais County Road B2 Flooding <br />Ciiff reported that the dollar amount in the Phalen Water Quantity Fund (as refereed to in the <br />June 26 memorandum) should be corrected to indicate a current balance of $400,000. He <br />mentioned that he and Brad will be meeting with the homeowners of the two homes still within the <br />100-year floodplain. <br />McKnight Basin Sediment Removal <br />Cliff reported that Ramsey County is proposing to construct a waterpark on the east side of the <br />McKnight Picnic area, just south of Crestview Drive. It has become a controversial issue, and he <br />has been receiving some phone calls from. residents of the Crestview Drive neighborhood. The <br />preliminary plans have been submitted to the District for review, and Pat Conrad is reviewing the <br />project. A grading permit application will eventually be submitted to the Board. <br />7. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT <br />Additional Information <br />Discussion was held on the Green Corridor Project, a new land protection effort involving Chisago <br />and Washington Counties. The project leader, Michael Pressman, will be on the Board agenda for <br />Page 3 July 1, 1998 12WMWD Minutes <br />
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