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August. Cliff Aichinger felt that the topic fits in very well with some of the District's activities and <br />issues regarding resource management. <br />8. TREASURER'S REPORT AND BILL LIST <br />Motion: Jack Frost moved, Bob Johnson seconded, to approve the Bill. List and the Supplemental <br />Bill list for July 1, 1998. The motion carried.. <br />9. SPECIAL ORDERS <br />Well Sealing Resolution <br />Motion: Jack Frost moved, Pam Skinner seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 98-18, to approve <br />cost-share funding for four well sealing program. applications. The motion carried. <br />BWSR Challenge Grants <br />Motion: Bob Johnson moved, Roger Lake seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 98-16, to authorize <br />the appropriation of $40,000 in cash or in-kind goods and services as a match to state funds for the <br />Environmental Education Coordinator grant application submitted to BWSR under the Challenge <br />Grant Program. The motion carried. <br />Motion: Bob Johnson moved, Roger Lake seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 98-17, to authorize <br />the appropriation of $20,000 in cash or in-kind goods and services as a match to state funds for the <br />Biomonitoring Program grant application subrrutted to BWSR under the Challenge Grant Program. <br />The motion carried. <br />319 Grant Proposal <br />Motion: Bob Johnson moved, Roger Lake seconded, to authorize the submission of an $89,800 <br />grant application to MPCA under the 319 Program for "Installation and Monitoring of <br />Underground (packaged) Stormwater Treatment Systems." The motion carried. <br />FY99 Draft Budget and CIB Review <br />Cliff Aichinger has been able to further review the salaries budget since the Request for Board <br />Action was prepared, acid he advised the Board to reduce Budget Line No. 18 (Salaries & <br />Benefits) by $15,000. Therefore, the Total Proposed 99 Budget amount on Line No. 18 should <br />be changed to $330,000. <br />Motion.: Roger Lake moved, Bob Johnson seconded, that the draft General Fund Budget and CIB <br />be distributed to other governmental units for their review and comment. The motion carried. The <br />Board will have to approve the FY99 budget at the September meeting for preliminary certification <br />to the counties. <br />North St. Paul Local Water Management Plan Approval <br />Motion: Roger Lake moved, Bob Johnson seconded, to adopt Resolution No. 98-19, providing <br />approval of the North St. Paul Local Surface Water Management Plan, contingent on the city <br />addressing the issues and comments included in Attachment 1. The motion carried. <br />10. ADJOURNMENT <br />Motion: Bob Johnson moved, Pam Skinner seconded, to adjourn the meeting. The motion was <br />carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Robert Johnson, <br />Secretary <br />Page 4 July 1, 1998 RWMWD Minutes <br />