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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
Agendas and Packets
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Last modified
4/15/2010 3:25:16 PM
Creation date
4/13/2010 2:28:09 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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B. Ranking Criteria -Annually the Council will review its ranking criteria which will reflect the <br />objectives for which the grants are intended. A copy of the ranking criteria will be made <br />available to interested parties. <br />The technical committee shall recommend a list of the highest ranking projects, and amounts to <br />be awarded. The Council reserves the right to fund in whole or in part only particular work plan <br />elements of any grant proposal. <br />Successful applicants shall be notified by the Council of the award and of the start of the grant <br />contract development process. <br />IV. TARGETED GRANTS <br />The Council may identify program needs, solicit partner agencies or organizations, and award grants <br />outside the competitive application process outlined above and at any time during the five year program <br />period for specific projects or activities consistent with program goals and the ranking criteria. <br />V. ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS <br />In addition to watershed plans and local water management plans there are a number of other water <br />resource plans that are prepared by local governments. These include Metro Greenways plans, MNRRA <br />Critical Area plans. Projects that implement these plans will be given consideration in the grant <br />selection process. Other consideration will be given for local governments that are implementing the <br />Council's Livable Communities affordable and lifecycle housing goals and other Council policies. <br />VI. GRANT AGREEMENT <br />All grantees will be required to execute the standard Council grant agreement. If you would like a copy <br />of the standard Council grant agreement, contact Joe Mulcahy at 651/602-1104. <br />VII. WORK PLAN <br />Only the selected grantees will need to prepare and submit a detailed work plan to the Council for its <br />approval. The Council shall specify the format and the level and types of information necessary. <br />The work plan will provide sufficient details to satisfy the Council of the value of the project and the <br />ability of the sponsor to successfully carry out the work within the conditions of the grant contract. <br />Generally the work plan will contain detailed information on the specific geographic area and water <br />resources affected, the tasks to be undertaken together with schedules and costs, sources and amount of <br />the match to the grant, budget, individuals responsible for the tasks, measurable outcomes, monitoring <br />plan together with quality control plan where relevant and any other relevant information requested by <br />the Council at the time of the grant contract negotiations. The work plan will then become part of the <br />grant agreement. <br />4 <br />
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