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Grass Lake WMO
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4/14/2010 2:44:12 PM
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4/14/2010 2:39:55 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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BWSR Meeting Minutes <br />September 28, 2000 <br />Page Two <br />Vice-Chair Jim Dahlvang called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Jim thanked <br />everyone involved with planning the tour, Clair Nelson, Ron Shelito, Wayne Seidel, <br />Mary Jo Flemming and Mary Jo Anderson. The Board enjoyed the tour and the <br />opportunity to visit northeastern Minnesota. It helps to visualize the real diversity that <br />exists in Minnesota and the challenge we have in adapting implementation policies and <br />programs that acknowledge that diversity. <br />warren tsruggman invi~eca ~n~ uvarca ~u cenuai IVIIIIIICSUId IICIXt ~ICdI, pVJJiUIy Jtayilly at <br />Long Lake Conservation Center. <br />~~ Adopt Agenda -Moved by Char Kahler, seconded by Jack Frost, to adopt the agenda <br />00-7o as presented. Motion passed on a voice vote. <br />~~ Minutes of August 23, 2000 -Moved by Jack Frost, seconded by Ginny Imholte, to <br />oo-~~ approve the minutes of August 23, 2000, as circulated. Motion passed on a voice vote. <br />Reports <br />Executive Director -Ron Harnack reported that there are significant issues regarding <br />the budget that are different this year. There is a challenge pool for budget change <br />items and reallocations. The concept of the challenge pool requires that agencies <br />demonstrate significant reallocation and put 2.5% of their base budget into the pool in <br />order to be considered for new funding. The Board has endorsed the recommendation <br />of staff not to participate in the challenge pool, as this would significantly detract from <br />our programs, the risk is too great to compete for the pool dollars. Ran stated that staff <br />have been meeting with an interagency group, MDA and PGA, regarding elements of a <br />feedlot initiative and legislative report. Ron stated that it will be an interesting next few <br />months as the Administration reviews budget issues of the agencies and considers their <br />issues and initiatives. Ron will keep the BWSR's Administrative Advisory Committee <br />appraised and look to this committee for guidance as the process moves forward. It is <br />Ron's understanding the DNR is not in the challenge pool, they are addressing issues <br />within their agency. PCA is rumored not participating in the challenge pool. MDA and <br />MDH are believed to be in the competitive pool at this time. <br />Ron distributed the Conservation and Reinvestment Act (CARA) information received <br />from the International Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Congress will make a <br />decision in a few weeks that could allow for additional natural resources funding. <br />Jerome Deal stated that the State of Minnesota could receive $38.5M if CARA is fully <br />funded. <br />Ron stated that CREP is moving forward, ~$10M of the $20M allocation has been <br />obligated. <br />
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