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Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/14/2010 2:44:12 PM
Creation date
4/14/2010 2:39:55 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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BWSR Meeting Minutes <br />September 28, 2000 <br />Page Five <br />appropriate for Marybeth to facilitate the retreat as she has been working on the <br />strategic plan and knows the agency, which make the strategic planning process move <br />in the direction needed. <br />New Business <br />Draft Program Guidelines for the Red River Valley Set-Aside Program -Ron Shelito <br />stated that the 2000 Minnesota Legislature appropriated $2,650,000 to BWSR to <br />establish an agricultural land set-aside and related cost-share program to provide short.- <br />term economic assistance to landowners as well as providing durable conservation <br />practices on 5% of the land enrolled. BWSR will allocate the funds to SWCDs in <br />northwestern Minnesota designated primary disaster counties in the 1999 Presidential <br />Disaster Declaration; the counties are Clay, Polk, Red Lake, Pennington, Marshall, <br />Kittson, and Roseau. Ron reviewed the proposed guidelines, the grant allocation, <br />landowner contract and eligibility, plan requirements, payment rates, local criteria, and <br />grant timelines... <br />Discussion followed. Ron Harnack stated that this proposal is targeted as a pilot <br />disaster recovery program for economic assistance. The SWCD will make the <br />determination on application approval based on the guidance. Ron Shelito stated that if <br />MDA provides information on crop disease, BWSR will be provide that information to <br />SWCDs for consideration in their allocation decision. Ron Harnack clarified that cost- <br />share assistance at a rate of 75% for the establishment of vegetative cover is available <br />only if the landowner agrees to maintain the cost-shared practices for a minimum of ten <br />years as per M.S. 103C.501, and if the landowner agrees to sign acost-share contract <br />with the SWCD. Cost-share for tree plantings may include establishment costs for <br />windbreaks for up to three years. <br />** Moved by Jerome Deal, seconded by Paul Krabbenhoft to approve the draft program <br />00-74 guidelines for the Red River Valley set-aside program. Motion passed on a voice vote.. <br />Vice-Chair Dahlvang called for a break in the meeting at 10:15 a.m. The meeting <br />reconvened at 10:30 a.m. <br />Jim Anderson reported that MES currently has partnerships with the following agencies: <br />MPCA feedlot structures person; MDA. has two manure educators; federal NRCS EQIP <br />has two shared education positions; and AMC has an educator position. <br />Biennial Budget -Ron Harnack commented on the list of significant issues (CREPT <br />local water base grant issue; general R!M statewide; feedlots; disaster recovery; road <br />replacement; soil survey updates; Red River Basin Board participation; and information <br />management) of reallocation options for the biennial budget. Ron stated if BWSR is <br />
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