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BWSR Meeting Minutes <br />June 27, 2001 <br />Page Two <br />Chair Coe called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m., and welcomed everyone to Jackpot <br />Junction. <br />Adopt Agenda -Chair Coe stated that Browns' Creek and Lower St. Croix Valley <br />Watershed. Districts Boundary Change has been removed from the agenda. Moved by <br />** Char Kahler, seconded by Jim Anderson, to app~ove the agenda as presented. Motion <br />o~-a~ passed on a voice vote. <br />Minutes of May 23, 2001 -Jim Anderson stated that a correction is needed in the <br />spelling of H.H. Cheng; it should read Cheng, rather than Chang. Wayne Edgerton <br />stated that on page four, corrections are needed under his DNR report. It should read <br />Blue "Mound" State Park rather than Blue "Mountain" State Park. Also, Wayne referred <br />** to Big Woods State Park tours, it should read "farm" tours. Moved by Jack Frost, <br />0~-~2 seconded by Jerome Deal, to approve the minutes of May 23, 2001, as corrected. <br />Motion passed on a voice vote. <br />Reports <br />Chair's Report -Chair Coe reported that he attended a Forestry Group meeting in <br />McGregor with Ron Shelito. Chair Coe attended the EQB meeting; the EQB moved to <br />approve the Exemption Application request from Xcel Energy to upgrade their <br />transmission line from Willmar to Paynesville. The project is being received positively <br />as a portion of the right of way located in a Willmar residential area will be relocated <br />providing a minimum impact on local residents. The Power Plant Siting Act recently <br />passed by the legislature and signed by the. Governor was also discussed. An overview <br />of the Power Plant Siting Program was distributed for board members' information. <br />Chair Coe attended the Wetlands Committee meeting on June 21. Chair Coe stated <br />that the updated version of BWSR Committees are in the board members' packets. <br />Board members should contact Chair Coe if changes are_ needed to the assigned <br />committees. Chair Coe reported that the Administrative Advisory Committee met.; <br />performance evaluation forms for the executive director had been sent to board <br />members. Chair Coe thanked board members for the 13 completed performance <br />evaluations he has received and stated that he had summarized them and planned to <br />review the results with Mr. Harnack. <br />Executive Director's Report -Doug Thomas was sitting in on behalf of Ron Harnack, <br />who is attending legislative meetings today. Doug reported that the Tax Committee <br />passed a report last night paving the way for the bonding bill to be introduced, with full <br />funding for CREP. Doug gave highlights of the legislative session and a brief budget <br />update. Doug stated that retooling will begin in the grants arena. Doug stated that <br />information is in board members' packets on the Presidential disaster declarations in <br />Minnesota. Doug reported that the possible government shut-down has resulted in <br />