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BWSR IVleeting 1Vlinutes <br />July 25, 2001 <br />Page Three <br />Minnesota Planning for this study. Minnesota Planning will hire asix-month position to <br />assist them .with this project. The Water Resources Committee, which. is a <br />subcommittee of the Environmental Quality Board, will play a principal role working with <br />the study. The next Water Resources Committee meeting will be July 31St The first <br />legislative reports are due in late August and final report to the legislature in February. <br />Doug reported that the City of Lakeville had some well interference issues recently, due <br />to dry weather, wells went dry. DNR is engaged in that issue. Representative Dennis <br />Ozment has concerns about groundwater and groundwater protection in the <br />Metropolitan area. <br />Dispute Resolution Committee -Chair Coe reported that there are presently three <br />appeals pending. All three involve WCA. One appeal is an exemption determination in <br />McLeod County. The appeal has been remanded to the county to develop a better <br />record including more technical analysis. Another pending appeal is in LaCrescent <br />along the .Mississippi River in Houston County.. The replacement plan denial arose from <br />a cease and desist order and a restoration order. The appeal has been accepted and a <br />pre-hearing conference will be scheduled once the record has been received. Another <br />pending appeal regards an exemption approval by the Lac Qui Parle -Yellow Bank <br />Watershed. District involving the federal exemption. The appeal has been accepted, a <br />pre-hearing conference has not been scheduled because a resolution is being pursued. <br />Wetlands Committee -Darrell Bruggman reported that John Jaschke is going to give a <br />wetlands report and presentation later in the meeting. <br />Cost-Share/Soil Conservation Committee -Dwain Otte reported that the committee did <br />not meet this month. <br />Education and Public Relations Committee -Paul Krabbenhoft reported that the <br />committee met this morning, and reviewed the work they've done over the last year. <br />The work plan was accepted last month and is being forwarded to the BWSR Executive <br />Team. Paul also reported that the State Envirothon has been a very successful <br />program and has been run through BWSR and the Minnesota Association of Soil and <br />Water Conservation Districts. On a statewide basis, there were 1,200 students <br />involved, 261 teams representing different areas of the state, 27 teams participated in <br />the state Envirothon. The winner of the State Envirothon (for third year in a row) was <br />Rushford/Peterson High School from Fillmore County. The Education Committee has a <br />concern regarding the relationship between BWSR and the MASWCD on staffing and <br />funding for this program. They would like to start seeking corporate sponsorships. On <br />a national basis, the Envirothon is sponsored by Cannon, Inc. The national competition <br />will be held in Mississippi. Another concern is staff time. Priorities need to be defined. <br />