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BWSR Meeting Minutes <br />July 25, 2001 <br />Page Seven <br />value within the watershed. We also sought a name change from administrative levy to <br />the general level. That levy can be used for projects, monitoring, not just for <br />administrative purposes. There was always a provision in the Watershed District Act <br />that if a municipality petitioned for a project, the watershed district had the ability to <br />determine which portion of that project was a basic water management feature or basic <br />water management function of the project. That petition requirement was expanded <br />now to include any local unit of government or 50 residents within .the watershed district. <br />Doug reported that counties in the metro area that are now levying for purposes of <br />implementing the water management plans, are established as special purpose taxing <br />districts. Minnehaha Creek received an enforcement levy authority because they are <br />often challenged on permits, projects, and involved in litigation.. It has been difficult for <br />Minnehaha Creek to finance those front-end costs on litigation out of their current <br />general administrative levy. They were authorized $75,000 to levy for an enforcement <br />fund to help defend the district when needed. Soil and water conservation districts <br />received a general services grant increase of $270,000 overthe biennium. In feedlot <br />cost-share, the money that is available for this program increases $625,000 in the first <br />year of the biennium and then goes up to $650,000 in the second year of the biennium <br />and that builds to the agency's base. PCA also received $500,000 of additional money <br />for grants to support work at the counties effort for delegation. Road replacement <br />funding was accomplished. Counties, cities and townships pushed and we did get $2 <br />million in the bonding bill. The trespass law was amended this year, it defines the fact <br />that RIM land and CRP land that is held in a conserving use under a state or federal <br />program is by definition agricultural land and it does not need to be posted. There were <br />minor changes to the RIM program which dealt with the landowner definition. We <br />wanted it to be consistent with the State's definition of an agricultural producer who <br />qualifies under the ag definitions. It also increased payment rates. <br />Doug reported that last winter we started a federal farm bill forum which included DNR, <br />MDA, and many of the conservation organizations to gather comments on the farm bill. <br />Ron Harnack would like to get a small committee together from the Board as quickly as <br />possible to work on this issue. We would like to have board members develop ahigh- <br />level position statement explaining where we are on existing farm programs. Ron <br />Harnack would like the Board to come up with a statement and he will work with the <br />Governor's office for signature and then forward this on to our congressional members. <br />Dwain Otte, Karen Harder, Joann Coover, Darryl Bruggman would like to be a part of <br />this committee. We would also like at least one member from each of the agencies that <br />are represented on the Board. Someone from NRCS and FSA would also be asked to <br />participate. Mary Jo Anderson. will follow-up on this and contact everyone next week. <br />