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<br />CALL F' PAPS S ailC~ P S'I'ERS <br />® - <br />S ~'S <br />Conference Date: September 23-25, 2002 <br />Location: Grand Casino Hinckley, Hinckley, MN <br />DEADLINE FOR ABSTRACTS: March 31, 2002 <br /> <br />The planning committee will rely on contributed papers to develop concurrent sessions for the <br />conference. Presentations may describe research or monitoring results, case studies or success <br />stories, development of new technologies and analytical tools, or management strategies. <br />Breakout sessions Vvill focus on: <br />shoreland protection or restoration, riparian buffers <br />development pressures and solutions (Smart growth, green comdors, etc.) <br />working across boundaries (interstate work, urban-rural issues) <br />landuse decision making <br />new tools or technologies (GIS, web sites, models, treatment alternatives) <br />involving citizens (innovative water planning strategies, youth, volunteers) <br />managing disasters (droughts, floods, spills) <br />exotic species management or education <br />wastewater management (onsite systems, alternatives, community systems) <br />Topics should be applicable to the work of water planners, introducing programs that can be adapted <br />or transferred to other areas.. Success stories and lessons learned are always helpful. <br />Minnesota/Wisconsin initiatives that further the work of local water planning are appropriate. <br />Abstracts also are requested for the Poster Session, which will be a prominent feature of the <br />conference. Posters will be set up with displays and vendors in the entry to the conference where <br />breaks will be held. Please note whether you want to do an oral or poster presentation. <br />ABSTRACT REQUIREMENTS. Abstracts should be 100-150 words long and contain the paper's <br />title, author's name, address, phone, fax, e-mail, affiliation, and a brief description of the <br />presentation. <br />Abstracts should be submitted electronically or by mail BY March 31, 2002. <br />Email address: Mary Darragh Schmitz <> <br />Mailing address: Mary Darragh Schmitz, Chisago County Water Planner, Gov't Ctr, Rm 243, 313 <br />Main, Center City, MN 55012 <br />