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Grass Lake WMO
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4/15/2010 12:01:21 PM
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4/14/2010 4:09:16 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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Battle Creek Lake Area Water Management Project ,ABI site. <br />Brad described the height of the STMH 10 structure and its proximity to the roadway grade, which caused <br />MnDOT to require guardrail to be placed in the vicinity of the structure. <br />Motion: Roger Lake moved, Paul Ellefson seconded, to approve Change Order #2 to the Battle Creek Lake <br />Area Water Management Project, which represents a $3,750.00 increase in the contract price to furnish and <br />install an additional 150 lineal foot of guardrail. Motion carried. <br />Natural Resources Update <br />Lake Phalen Shoreland Restoratiofz: Bill Bartodziej discussed the City of St. Paul's concern with the <br />abundance of Eurasian water milfoil on the lake. The southern end of the lake is infested, as well as <br />another ten-acre area near the observation platform on the north end. It has topped out and will soon cause <br />odor problems at a time when. a national regatta is to be held. The Parks & Recreation Department plans to <br />harvest about 30 acres of milfoil next month. By mid-August, the rate of growth will drop off and lessen <br />for the rest of the summer, although it will return next year. The cost is estimated at $9,000 to12,000, and <br />they are asking the District to contribute one third of the cost, with the city and the regatta group <br />contributing the other two thirds. Bill felt that the problem should not be ignored since it is an invasive <br />species, and it would be good for public relations. <br />Motion: Bob Johnson moved, Roger Lake seconded, to support the efforts of the City of St. Paul Parks & <br />Recreation Department to harvest Eurasian water milfoil at Lake Phalen this summer by paying one third of <br />the cost, up to $4,000. Motion carried. <br />WaterFest 2002 <br />Louise Watson gave a presentation on WaterFest 2002, held May 18. Costs are going down as <br />participation rises. Plans for 2003 include: " _ <br />• hold the event at the same location with an improved layout strategy <br />• further reduce the District's costs and increase city contributions <br />• reduce District staff time and increase youth involvement during the preparation stages <br />• provide more signage to direct visitors to outlying activities on park grounds <br />• consider the feasibility of a virtual tour of the District instead of the van tour <br />It was also noted that attendance will increase if we have better weather next year.. Paul Ellefson noted that <br />elementary age students seem to be the focus of past events. He expressed the need to focus on other age <br />groups when planning future events. <br />6. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT <br />Upcoming Meetings <br />Jack Frost mentioned other dates: MPCA has scheduled a meeting for next Thursday to discuss their <br />construction site permit program, which has generated a lot of controversy. Capitol Region WD will <br />discuss street sweeping practices at their meeting scheduled for tomorrow night. <br />District Technician Hirin Status <br />Cristina Carstens has accepted the position. She was formerly an environmental engineer with the City of <br />Savage. <br />Washington County Water Governance Plan--Revised Implementation Plan <br />The Washington County Board of Commissioners has adopted a revised implementation plan for their <br />Water Governance Study following recent Court of Appeals actions that overturned the-county's ;efforts to , <br />reorganize watershed districts and WMOs. Among the significant changes made, they propose the <br />formation of a Coordinating Council comprised of a representative from each WMO and WD whose <br />primary purpose will be to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of water management throughout the <br />county. It is unknown at this point if RWMWD representation is necessary, but Pam Skinner agreed to be <br />the District's representative if the request is made. <br />Page 3 July 10, 2002 RWMWD Minutes <br />
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