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Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/15/2010 10:00:51 AM
Creation date
4/15/2010 9:56:14 AM
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Grass Lake WMO
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original property acquisition costs. Depending on the bidding results, the District can reject all bids and decide.. <br />to sell through a real estate agent at that point. After checking with several city. administrators, Cliff has not <br />found any special requirements governing the District's selection of a real estate agent in the event it is sold in <br />that manner.. Paul. Ellefson stated that the District must be clear in their bidding requirements to avoid any <br />conflicts of interest,. and Tracey. will provide staff with examples of policies that address conflict of interest <br />issues. The Board expressed no objections to the recommendation.. <br />CIP Maintenance/Repairs 2002 Project and Battle Creek Lake Flood Protection Project <br />District staff met with Jay Bros on January 13 to discuss the remaining punch list items and the delays <br />associated with these two projects. Brad Lindaman had arrived at the meeting and reported that the <br />contractor's response to the completion of punch list items was good, with most items complete within three <br />days of the meeting. The retainage dollars held by the District on the two projects comes close to the amount <br />of liquidated damages that have accrued to this point, and it has generated concern that the contractor may <br />choose not to fulfill the terms of the contracts. Tracey believed that Jay Bros desires to resolve these contract <br />issues so that they will be considered for future work with the District. Discussion turned to additional <br />assurances the District would expect to receive from Jay Bros in the event that they were determined to be the <br />low bidder on a future project. <br />Discussion was held on the option of terminating the two contracts with Jay Bros in order to seek other <br />contractors to complete the work. Cliff stated that Jay Bros is basically caught up except for restoration work, <br />and it would not be reasonable to expect them to complete those tasks until spring and after street load limits <br />are lifted. Liquidated damages continue to accrue until completion. The consensus of the Board was to direct <br />staff to advise Jay Bros that they will have until the end of May to complete the Battle Creek Lake Flood <br />Protection Project and CIP Maint/Repairs 2002 Project, and the Board will make a decision at the June 4 <br />meeting on what damages, if any, will be assessed. <br />Motion: Roger Lake moved, Bob Johnson seconded, to approve Change Order #2 to the CIP Maintenance/ <br />Repair 2002 Project, which represents a $4,349.00 increase in the contract price to furnish and install the <br />manhole for the Owasso. Basin Low Flow Pipeline Cleanout. Motion carried. <br />Education Program Update - <br />New Item, Street Management Literature Review: The following. handouts were distributed by Louise Watson <br />during her presentation. <br />• Draft Street Management Literature Review, Analysis and BMP Recommendations Report (in <br />preparation for the development of a District-wide Street Management for Water Quality Program <br />Plan), last revised 2/5/03. <br />• Gaal, Objectives and Policies Regarding Street Management for Safety and Water Quality, dated <br />2/5/03. To be used for discussion purposes between District, city, and county staff, resulting in <br />agreement on the most practical, feasible, and broadly acceptable program. <br />Louise stated that the literature review started out as a search for road salt impacts and since then., it has <br />evolved into a broader concept that views streets as a collection system for stormwater and non-point-source <br />pollutants. City surveys have been conducted on three occasions since 1998 to collect information on their <br />street management practices. <br />Cliff added that the NPDES Phase II process has been a real incentive for the cities to get involved. The <br />District's January 10 NPDES Team Training Workshop was well-attended by a wide variety of city staff. In <br />addition, the District has scheduled a meeting on February 10 to provide assistance to cities in preparing their <br />MS4 permits, at which time the literature review will also be a topic of discussion. <br />It is hoped that the working group of city staff that has taken shape since these events will help reach a <br />consensus on street management issues and practices throughout the District. The District would like the cities <br />to realize that they will spend less money at the upstream source of the problem compared to the cost of <br />removing sediment from stormwater ponds downstream. <br />6. ADNIINISTRATOR'SREPQRT <br />Clean Water Partners Award <br />The District has been selected by the United States EPA as a Clean Water Partner for the 21S` Century, and <br />Jack Frost has agreed to travel to Washington D.C. to accept the award on behalf of the District at a ceremony <br />scheduled for February 18"'. <br />Page 3 February 5, 2003, RWMWD Minutes <br />
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