Laserfiche WebLink
,_;~ ~:-~ <br /> <br />Traditional monitoring programs are usually limited to monitoring only a fraction of <br />the lakes in the Twin Cities each year due to logistics and cost. Satellite technology can <br />complement on-the-ground monitoring programs by providing a spatially complete <br />snapshot of water quality for all lakes in the Twin Cities region at comparatively little <br />cost. Satellite remote sensing uses visible and infrared sensors to form digital images <br />of the earth's surface by detecting solar radiation reflected from the ground. <br />Assessment of lake water quality by satellite imagery requires the development of <br />mathematical relationships between satellite observations of brightness in the red and <br />blue region of the spectrum and simultaneously collected ground measurements of <br />water e!arity far about 25 t~ 50 lakes. This relationship can then be used to extrapo- <br />late water clarity for nearly all of the region's lakes. <br />°~ <br />m <br />to <br />fA <br />y 40°io <br />Q 35% <br />~ 30% <br />~ 25% <br />'-~ 20°/ <br />~ 15% <br />.. <br />~ 10% <br />~ 5% <br />a 0% <br />In 2003, the Council, with volunteer help, conducted monitoring on 130 lakes; <br />however, nearly 1000 lakes were assessed using satellite data. Thirty percent of the <br />ground-monitored lakes received an overall water quality grade of "A" or "8" <br />compared with just f 5% for the satellite assessment. The percent of lakes receiving a <br />grade of "C" was 37% for the ground-based monitoring program and 33% for the <br />satellite assessment. Lakes receiving a poor water quality grade of "D" or "F" <br />accounted for 33% of the ground-monitored lakes, but 50% of the satellite assessed <br />lakes. Ono likely explanation for the differences in lake grades is that the lakes <br />enrolled in the ground monitoring program tend to be the larger and deeper lakes, <br />which are generally characterized by better water quality. <br />Water clarity is an important attribute of lakes because it strongly relates to human <br />perception of lake quality, particularly its suitability for swimming and boating. Water <br />clarity is traditionally measured using a white metal disk, called a Secchi disk, which is <br />lowered into a lake to the point where it is no longer visible. The depth at which the <br />disk disappears serves as a good index of lake water quality It is one of three <br />measures used to characterize the trophic status (or degree of eutrophication) of a <br />loke (the others are chlorophyll-a and total phosphorus concentrations). <br />"~?~~ <br /> <br />_ _ - 1<`~ <br />In general, the relationship between satellite data and water quality clarity, <br />measured as Secehi disk transparency (SDT) is strong. For this assessment, morn <br />than half (5b%) of the satellite estimated summer mean SDT values were with- <br />in ±0.5 meters of the ground-observed summer mean SDT and 81% of the <br />satellite estimates were within ±1.0 meter. In terms of lake water quality <br />grade, the satellite-estimated grade was within ±1 letter grade of the ground- <br />observedgrade 90% of the time. <br />0.00 2.D0 4.00 6.00 8.00 <br />Satellite Estimated SDT (m) <br />0 <br />information about the Council's lake monitoring program can be found at <br />:// .aaae~ratcawaacil.axg/~rovirama <br />Satellite water clarity assessment data for specific lakes can be found at <br />h9vp:!/resaa;.0iis.u .ealu/wander/regi~aaal watd~ cl ity/cwN~ast/I~kcbr ears, <br />For more information about the Council's satellite lake assessment program contact <br />Sdeve KI®i ad (651)502-1056 ®r <br />For more information about the Cauncil's lake monitoring programs contact <br />Rmaedy Aeshn tad (651)602-8743 er randya:aah~aa c.sdarPe acs <br />8 <br />E <br />F. 6 <br />0 <br />v <br />m <br />Z <br />~ 4 <br />O <br />a <br />0 <br />~ 2 <br />~~z•~~®lit C® cil <br />A E; C D F <br />