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<br />I" ~' (Y ~'®S 5 <br />An®ther busy fall season at the RC <br />`~ - WAT E R <br />` '~~-% RESOURCES <br />UPDATES <br />~~° 6` ~ ~ <br />Ho~v can you help improve the quali~~ <br />of Milmesota's l~lkes and livers? It`s sim- <br />ple. Show up. Speak up. Write a check. In <br />other words, get in the g~une. <br />Get involved. Join yolu lord lake <br />association or neighborhood association. <br />Local development issues; which often <br />impact nahlral resources, are often guided <br />alxl inspu~ed by grassroots groups with <br />shbng opinions about what kinds of devel- <br />opment are appropriate for lmaintailling <br />the enviromneut~d integl~ty as well as a <br />sense of place ill their particltlar neighbor- <br />hood. <br />Make phone calls, write letters and <br />send emails to your elected and appointed <br />officials. Your city council, yolu phuluing <br />COllmmSSlOll, and yOLlr COllnty COll11mS- <br />sioners need to luiow how you feel about <br />preserving Nlimlesota`s nahu-al heritage. <br />Uote in decision-makers who under- <br />stand the need to balance development <br />la%ith conservation ~d who will work to <br />make that happen. Campaign for candi- <br />dates who will stand up for healthy lakes <br />~md lovers. And once they're successfidly <br />elected, help them accomplish these envi- <br />ronmental goals. <br />Attend and pauticipate in civic meet- <br />ings to discuss filhue growth and develop- <br />ment in your connmtnity. The Miles are <br />made by those v~%ho show up. They are <br />not made by those who stay at home and <br />watch renuls. Pauticipate in the betterment <br />Of }%Onr COlllllAllmt)%. <br />If you cam't be as active as you want, <br />write atax-deductible check to support <br />a 110llplOflt OrgaluZatlOn that 1S wOrh- <br />ing to preserve the natural envirolmlent <br />for public benefit A couple of esaumples <br />are 1000 Friends of Mimlesota and the <br />Mirmesota La~l~es Association. Run for an <br />It seems with evel-~- one of these letters Iwrite. Irefer <br />to some type of admirlistratlve or stnlchual chance on <br />campus that may impact our relationships with conlmutli- ~'_ -~ <br />ties in Mimlesota and elsewhere. This letter is no e~cep- ~~;`-~ ~ ~ - <br />lion. This fall we ~ti~ill embark as a campus comm~lulity on ,_ ~ `, <br />the integration of the Colle~~e of Nahlral Resources Auld the ~ ~;~. ~. ! ~ ~ <br />Colle~~c of A~~riculhu-al. Food. and Lnviroluncntal Scieuc- - t:_ <br />~._ <br />es. To have a plan in place for this tntcgration by the end ol~ _ --~ <br />the fall semester gill require much thoughtful effort on the <br />part of faculn~. staff. and students. As wc; morph into the '`new expanded eolle~~e.'~ <br />the Water Resources Center will be an inlporlault part of the discussions. with the <br />clear expectation that ~~~e will grow anci hcive an increased campus presence. All of <br />this will happen while our ~~~ork ou water resources issues continues. <br />Here is a sample of «~hat is hapl~~erung ibis fall: <br />In Septeulber, we are sponsoring and facilitating three «~orkshops for watershed <br />managers on determining social indicators to evaluate project progress. ~1'his is clone <br />as part of our regional U.S. Department of Agriculttue-Cooperati~~e State Research. <br />l;ducatiou. and Tstellsion Sea%ice project. The workshops are part of our six-state. <br />U.S. hm~ironnleutai ProtectionAgency-Region five effort to use social indica- <br />tors along with administrative and enviromnental indicators to document program <br />success. In conjunction ~~~ith the Mimlesota Pollution Control Agencv. we are <br />i;oncentratin~ the «~orlcshops ou e~~aluatine Section X19 uonpoint source pollution <br />projects. but we hope they will be a part of evahtatiug other water programs across <br />our region. Stxv tuned for periodic updates on this effort "I11is is truly covering new <br />ten-itot-~~! <br />~Ue will launch the first of tlu~ee campus fonuns about carbon sequestration in <br />Ntinnlesota landscapes as a part of a program funded by the hutiati~~c for Rene~~~- <br />atile Energy and l~nviromneut to evahtata the potential for obtaitung tradable carbon <br />credits. T11is effort ~~~i11 result in a major conference in fall ?006. and the establish- <br />nlent of pilot projects to demonstrate the viability of scquestcrin~ carbon in Mi~- <br />nesota. <br />As a part of our continuing Memo of tltldcrstandiugwith the Mcl:ong River <br />Colmmissiou. we ~~~ill sponsor a campus thrum to discuss how em~ironmeutal resto- <br />rationefforts in the Upper Mississippi River Basin can provide guidance in adch~ess- <br />ing Mekong River T3asin em~iromnental problems. while using what ~~ ~ learn from <br />the Mekong to help us with our own trans-boundar~~ issues between states in the <br />Upper and Lower Mississippi River Basin. <br />A11 of this in the midst of our campus change! On one hand, <br />when I ilurllc of these efforts I am daunted b~ the t~n51:s at Mind. <br />but ou the other haunt. I am as excited as a Scandinavi<ul can get <br />by all of the great opportunities to increase the Liniversity of <br />Milulesota's presence in addressing water resource issues. <br />Jim Anderson, WRC Co-Director <br />elected public office. Become a member <br />of your city council, or become a comity <br />commissioner, or get appointed to your <br />local plamiing conmussion or Board of <br />Adjushnent. <br />Show up, speak up, write a check; and <br />remember the words of aultlu~opologist <br />Margauet Mead, who said. `Never doubt <br />that a small group of thoughtfitL connnit- <br />led citizens cm change the world. Indeed, <br />it is the only thing that ever has." <br />For more information, send am e-mail <br />message to die North Central Mimiesota <br />Lakes Project (NCNIL) at lalcewaves a,dnr. <br /> NCML is part of Governor <br />Pawlenty's Clean Water hlitiative. <br />Contents taken from a Minnesota Department of <br />Na"rural Resources press release, August 29, 2005 <br />~6nr~~~rarr~ ~ <br />