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~~ ~~ sit r inner Ater <br />~~ Ater esurce int ®nfer ~~ <br />The conference will be held at the Earle Brown Heritage Center in Brooklyn Center, <br />Mimiesota. For more infonnation; visit the conference Web site at <br />http://~vrc. coafes.unn.echi/cvaterconf. <br />Tuesday, ®ctoVser 2~, 200 <br />7:00 a.m. Registration and Continental Brealffast <br />8:00 Welcome; Ron Leaf; Short Elliot Hendnickson; Inc. <br />8:10 Dave Ford Water Resources Award <br />8:20-930 Plenary SessionL "Changing Strategies u1 a Changing Clunate," <br /> John J. Magnuson, Professor Emerihis, Linnological Research <br /> Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison <br />9:30-10:00 Poster Session and Refreslunent Bre~~h <br />10:00-1130 Concurrent Sessions I <br /> A. New Urban BMPs: Implementation Case Studies <br /> B. Polhitant Loads and Trends for L~uge River Systems <br /> C. Surface Water Analysis <br />1130-1:00 Luncheon Presentation <br />1:1 ~-2:4~ Concun-ent Sessions II <br /> A. Hydraulic hnprovements in Developed Enviromnents <br /> B. Remote Sensing and GIS for Watersheds and Streams <br /> C. L~nle Water Quality Improvement <br /> D. Streams and Rivers <br />2:4~-3:1 ~ Poster Session and Refreslunent Break <br />3:1~-4:4~ Coucun-ent Sessions III <br /> A. Sun~ace and Ground Water Interactions <br /> B. Remote Sensing and GIS for Lakes and Wetlands <br /> C. Understanding and Managing Nutrient Loads to Aquatic <br /> Ecosystems <br />4:~1~-~:4' ~ Poster Session and Reception <br />Wednesday, ®ct®Dse~• 26, 200j <br />7:00 ann. Registration and Continental Breal~ast <br />8:00 Welcome, Deborah Swaclchamer, Water Resouurces Center and <br /> School of Public health, University of Mimlesota <br />8:10-9:30 Panel Presentation ~md Discussion, "TMDLs: Impaired Waters, <br /> Impau-ed Process? T1u-ec Perspectives on Improving the Process" <br />930-10:00 Poster Session ~md Refreslnient Break <br />10:00-11:30 Concunretit Sessions IV <br /> A. Pesticides; Nitrates, and Drintlana Water <br />y <br /> B. Surface Water Management <br /> C. Fate and Effects of Emerging Aquatic Contaninants <br />11:30-12:45 Luncheon Presentation, "Everglades Restoration: A Remarkable <br /> Convergence of Science, Policy, Advocacy, Auld Law" <br />1:00-2:30 Concun-ent Sessions V <br /> A. Agriculttual Issues <br /> B. Water Quality Standards and Modeling <br /> C. TMDL Assessments <br /> D. Sustainable Watersheds, Competing Go~tis, and the Tool Box <br />2:30-x:45 Poster Session and Refieshtnent Breali <br />2:=1~=4:1 ~ Concurrent Sessions VI <br /> A. Nitrogen Management and Modeling <br /> B. When the TMDL Robber Hits the Road <br /> C. River and Lake Management <br /> <br />An innovative research project submit- <br />ted tluough the WRC has been awarded <br />fiuxling as part of the United States <br />Geological Stuvey's (USGS) National <br />Competitive Grants Program. The project <br />"Assessing the Ecotoxicology of Alk~}~1- <br />phenol Mixttu-es Across the Aquatic Food <br />Chain," is led by Dr. Heiko Schoenfiiss <br />from St. Cloud State University. Also col- <br />laborating on the project are Dr. Matthew <br />Julius (St. Cloud State University) and Dr. <br />Larry Barber (USGS). <br />All~ylphenols (AP), compounds that <br />are conunorly used as indush7al and <br />household surfactants, have recently been <br />detected in surface waters and in Euro- <br />pean and North American drinlnng water. <br />Because APs are known to intendere with <br />reproduction in mammals, these findings <br />are of great concern. By investigating <br />the effects of different AP inixhu-es on <br />diatons, daphnia, and fathead minnows, <br />the researchers will determine the reper- <br />cussions of AP on biological fiinctions <br />at three levels of the aquatic food chain. <br />In addition, tlu-ough feeding trials; the <br />researchers will deternine the effects of <br />AP across the aquatic food chain. <br />e~C ~l <br />r e Stu en <br />The Water Resources Science gradu- <br />ate prog7~ann welcomed tlirteen incoming <br />shdents at its orientation on Thursday, <br />September 1; 2005. Two of the incomng <br />students will be shidying on the Duluth <br />campus, and eleven will be studying on <br />the Twin Cities campus. The diverse <br />students come from as far away as Costa <br />Rica, and are advised by faculty from <br />nine departments on the t~vo campuses. <br />Total em-olhnent in the WRS program <br />now stands at 80 shndents (47 M. S. and 3 3 <br />Ph.D.). <br />~~~D~t~~6~G~Pf ~®®~ <br />