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ELLHE~4® POTECTIO OR PLA <br />STEP PROJECTED <br />COMPLETION DATE <br />Letter from MDH initiating plan development <br />Notice of plan development sent to Local Units of Government <br />(LUG's) May 2005 <br />(for Wells F and G) <br />Public Meeting Held with LUG'S Date, time and location to be <br />determined <br />LUG Team Established Establishment. of team will be <br />accomplished at a later date <br />Wellhead Protection Team Appointed May 2005 <br />Scoping I Meeting Held May 2005 <br />MDH Scoping Decision (letter) May 2005 <br />Prepare Aquifer Test Plan and submit to MDH NA <br />MDH Approval of test plan NA <br />Wellhead Protection Area (WHPA) Delineation May 2005 <br />Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA) Delineation May 2005 <br />Conduct Vulnerability Assessment May 2005 <br />Vulnerability Assessment and DWSMA submitted to MDH May 2005 <br />MDH Approval of DWSMA, WHPA, and vulnerability <br />assessments July 2005 <br />Vulnerability, WHPA, and DWSMA submitted to LUG's July 2005 <br />Public Meeting Held August 2005 <br />Scoping II Meeting Held August 2005 <br />MDH Scoping Decision (letter) September 2005 <br />Inventory of Potential Contaminant Sources October 2005 <br />Management Portion of plan ' December 2005 <br />Submit plan to LUG's January 2006 <br />Consider comments received by LUG's z January-February 2006 <br />Public Hearing Held March 2006 <br />Submit Plan to MDH April 2006 <br />MDH Review April-June 2006 <br />MDH Approval Juiy 2006 <br />Provide Notice to LUG's about plan approval July 2006 <br />Begin Plan Implementation August 2.006 <br />Prepare response to impact of changes on well(s); issues, problems, and opportunities; <br />WHP goals, objectives, and plan of action; evaluation program; alternate water supply; <br />contingency strategy <br />Incorporate response to comments in plan <br />Bold text denotes steps completed by MDH <br />ame o person comp etmg t us orm: o n ac stone, amt au eg~ona ater ervices ate: ay ~ <br />V:\Engineering\Blackstone\WellProtect\Correspondence\whp_work~lan f and g.doc <br />Last printed 5/12/2005 2:16 PM <br />