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Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/16/2010 1:36:50 PM
Creation date
4/16/2010 12:23:41 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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By: ~/~ f/ <br />Date: ~~ ~~-~Dd~ <br />Attachment A <br />Ramsey Conservation District <br />Shoreline and Streambank Stabilization <br />General Permit #2001-6111 <br />12. The Agent (Ramsey Conservation District) must provide a map, plans and a brief description of each project to the Area <br />Hydrologist and the local unit of government at least 10 days prior to commencing work. All projects conducted under the <br />authorization of this permit must have the support and direct oversight of the Ramsey Conservation District. <br />13. This General Permit is not valid within those Watershed Districts, Watershed Management Organizations, Cities or Townships <br />where DNR General Permits have been issued for similar work in Public Waters. The Agent (Ramsey Soil and Water <br />Conservation District) may provide technical design assistance, but must advise applicants to seek approval under these <br />other DNR General Permits rather than authorize the project under this permit. <br />14. The Agent (Ramsey Conservation District) shall record the following information on each project undertaken as part of this <br />permit: <br />A. Landowner's name and address. <br />B. Location by legal description. <br />C. Public Water name and DNR ID number. <br />D. Length, width and area of the project. <br />E. Bio-engineering, stabilization and lakescaping techniques to be used on the project. <br />F. Height of stream/river/basin bank. <br />G. Contractor conducting work. <br />H. Project Cost. <br />I. Expected duration of work. <br />This information shall be tracked and a review of the permit effectiveness shall occur on an annual basis. The annual report <br />shall be submitted to the Area Hydrologist by February 1 of each year. <br />15. The permittee (Landowner) must have written permission from the Agent (Ramsey Conservation District) to undertake the <br />project prior to commencing work. A copy of the written authorization shall be included within the annual report. <br />16. The DNR reserves the right to require a separate individual permit for projects that could meet the conditions of General <br />Permit #2001-6111. <br />17. No removal or destruction of aquatic vegetation is permitted unless an Aquatic Plant Management Permit is obtained from the <br />DNR Regional Fisheries Office (651-772-7950), or the removal consists of the mechanical (i.e., not chemical) removal of <br />submerged or floating aquatic vegetation that meets the conditions for not requiring a permit (i.e., mechanical removal of <br />submerged or floating aquatic vegetation an area of less than 2,500 square feet).. Note: removal of any amount of emergent <br />vegetation is prohibited unless an aquatic plant management permit has been obtained from DNR Fisheries. <br />18. A separate Aquatic Plant Management (APM) Permit shall be obtained (at no fee) for each site involving aquatic plantings to <br />monitor plant source, species, and planting location. This Condition shall not apply when the project consists only of slope <br />protection using woody species such as dogwood and willow. <br />19. Waterward encroachment shall be the minimum amount necessary to provide protection and shall not unduly interfere with <br />flow of water. The maximum encroachment waterward of the ordinary high water mark is ten feet. <br />20. Placement of ungrouted, natural stone riprap only shall be authorized. Placement of the rock riprap shall be for erosion <br />control only. Placement of rock for cosmetic purposes is NOT authorized. <br />
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