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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/16/2010 1:36:50 PM
Creation date
4/16/2010 12:23:41 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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Attachment A <br />Ramsey Conservation ®istrict <br />Shoreline and Streambank Stabilization <br />General Permit #2001-6111 <br />Conditions continued........ <br />21. Erosion control measures shall be adequately designed for the site characteristics. They may include staked haybales, <br />diversion channels, sediment ponds, or sediment fences. They shall be installed in accordance with "Ramsey County Erosion <br />and Sediment Control Handbook, RamseyConservation District, October 1989" (and as revised in the future), prior to <br />commencement and maintained throughout the project. All exposed soil shall be stabilized as soon as possible and no later <br />than 72 hours after the completion of the project.. Topsoil should be used to re-dress disturbed soil areas and indigenous <br />plant. species should be used to revegetate disturbed areas whenever possible. <br />22. If conditions warrant, the Area Hydrologist may require that work below the water level shall be encircled by a flotation <br />sediment curtain to prevent sediment from being transported beyond the construction site. The barrier shall be removed <br />upon completion of the work after the silt has settled. <br />23. No activity affecting the bed of the protected water may be conducted between March 15 and June 15 on watercourses, or <br />between Apri- 1 and June 30 on all other waterbodies, to minimize impacts on fish spawning and migration. If work during <br />this time is essential it shall be done only on receipt of approval from the DNR Area Fisheries Manager at 651-772-7950. <br />24. The permittee shall contact the responsible local government unit official if any grading or filling is to be done above <br />(landward) the ordinary high water mark <br />25. Excavated materials must be deposited or stored in an upland area, in a manner where the materials will not be redeposited <br />into the protected water by reasonably expected high water or runoff. <br />26. The permittee shall monitor all disturbed areas for the presence of purple loosestrife and control the plant as gescribed in the <br />attached pamphlet titled "Purple Loosestrife Alert". The DNR aquatic plant manager should be contacted at 772-7950 for <br />permit needs and additional information. <br />27. Project equipment shall be inspected for Eurasian water milfoil, zebra mussels and other exotics, and decontaminated prior to <br />and following project completion and/or when equipment is moved from one waterbody to another. Every reasonable <br />precaution shall be taken to prevent inoculation of other water bodies. DNR Ecological Services (651-259-5100} may be <br />contacted for information on how to decontaminate equipment. <br />28. The permittee is authorized to maintain the approved work to the dimensions herein described. Prior to commencing any <br />maintenance work, the permittee shall advise the Washington SWCD and the Area Hydrologist of the extent and method of <br />maintenance. The maintenance shall not be commenced until the permittee receives verbal approval from the Ramsey <br />Gonservatton District and the ,area Hydrologist. <br />29. Live vegetation for transplantation shall be obtained from a local source. <br />
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