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4/16/2010 1:39:53 PM
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4/16/2010 1:37:09 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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GRASS LAKE WATER MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION 4 <br />Sobiech stated that with approval, the survey will be sent out by March 15`h and <br />posted on the websites. It should be out at least 30 days. It will then take at least <br />two weeks to compile the survey data after it is received. <br />Fowler noted that the Lake Association has its annual meeting on April 26, 2007. <br />It was the consensus of the Board to make every effort to have the presentation of <br />survey results at the regular Board meeting on April 26, 2007 at 5:00 p.m., and. <br />then have Barr Engineering present those results at the Lake Association meeting <br />at 7:00 p.m. <br />Eckman described the format of the survey, which is to be printed on cardstock <br />similar to a postcard that can be reverse sealed and mailed back postage paid. <br />Maloney expressed concern that if the format is changed too much from the tri- <br />fold piece, it will be difficult to meet printing and mailing deadlines in order to <br />have a presentation ready by the April 26`h Board and Lake Association <br />meetings. <br />It was the consensus of the Board that an introductory cover paragraph, rather <br />than a cover letter, be sent to Board members by email before the survey is sent <br />out. <br />Maloney stated that the survey can continue to be available online after the <br />deadline for response. Secondary information can continue to be received as long <br />as the Board would like. <br />DeZellar agreed that he would like to take input from residents no matter when it <br />comes in, although it is anticipated that the critical mass of response information <br />will come in time for presentation to the Homeowners Association. <br />Root moved approval of the draft survey instrument with direction to Barr <br />Engineering to proceed with the distribution of the survey. Eckman seconded the <br />motion. <br />Roll Call: .Ayes: DeZellar, Eckman, Root, Stark <br />Nays: Mogg <br />Mogg stated that he did not support the motion because the survey is beyond the <br />study of aquatic plants, which is what it was originally aimed at. <br />Eckman stated that the study is aimed at the water quality problem as a whole. <br />The computer models may show that most of the problem is not coming from <br />anything happening on the lakeshore. <br />
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