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Grass Lake WMO
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Last modified
4/16/2010 1:39:53 PM
Creation date
4/16/2010 1:37:09 PM
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Grass Lake WMO
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GRASS LAKE WATER MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION <br />Root asked if educational information about care practices for shoreland property <br />owners will be sent with the survey. He would like to include the graph of water <br />quality to survey recipients. <br />Eckman explained that the survey is to find out what property owners and users <br />believe is needed and to get the opinion of the community. If there is too much <br />material to look at, people will not fill out the survey. After the survey <br />information is gathered, a plan will be developed on how to fix problems and <br />educate residents. <br />Root asked the number of surveys to be mailed andhow broadly it will be <br />distributed. Maloney stated that 500 surveys will be mailed. They will be mailed <br />directly to all riparian property owners and to property owners within a certain <br />distance from the lake. The survey will. be available on Roseville and Shoreview <br />city websites so it can be accessible toanyone who would like to respond to it. <br />The Shoreview City Council particularly. wanted the survey to be as inclusive as <br />possible and reach the customer base beyond the immediate area. of the lake. <br />Eckman added that there will be a press release on the survey, and it will also be <br />available on the library website. <br />Fowler, Lake Association Representative; stated that there are 250 riparian <br />property owners on the lake. <br />Root noted that there. was a recommendation in 1995 to conduct a study that was <br />not done. He asked if a study on the sources of turbidity would be timely.. <br />Sobiech responded that the study .will monitor turbidity. He will check to be sure <br />that type. of data is collected. Sediment samples will be collected to determine <br />whether the phosphorous content is internal. <br />Eckman suggested a short paragraph in the cover letter to list examples of <br />remedies that aught result as a consequence of the study. She suggested pointing <br />outhow much GLWMO has spent without improvement to the lake and now the <br />Board is conducting a comprehensive study, and, as part of the process, there will <br />be an'open forum for residents to hear a presentation, ask questions and talk to <br />experts. <br />Mogg suggested that the open forum be part of the report presentation when the <br />survey analysis is done. <br />Stark agreed and stated that it is important for residents who responded to the <br />survey to receive feedback... The cover paragraph needs to include a certain time <br />frame when meetings will be held to discuss results. <br />
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