TITLE REGI STEREf3 PERMIT' # 2008-0274, ISSIJED TO: ~Iliard Cecchi
<br />PAGE T~UO
<br />4. The permittee shall make no changes, without written permission previously obtained from the Commissioner of Natural Resources, in the
<br />dimensions, capacity or location of any items of work authorized hereunder.
<br />5. The permittee shall grant access to the site at all reasonable times during and after construction to authorized representatives of the
<br />Commissioner of Natural Resources for inspection of the work. authorized hereunder.
<br />6. This permit may be terminated by the Commissioner of Natural Resources at any time deemed necessary for the conservation of water
<br />resources of the state, or in the interest of public health and welfare, ar for violation of any of the conditions or applicable laws, unless
<br />otherwise provided in the permit.
<br />7. Construction work authorized under this permi# shall be completed on or before the date specified above. The permittee may request an
<br />extension of time to complete the project, stating the reason thereof, upon written request to the Commissioner of Natural Resources.
<br />8. In all cases where the permittee by performing the work authorized by this permit shall involve the taking, using, or damaging of any
<br />property rights or interests of any other person or persons, or of any publicly owned lands or improvements #hereon or interests therein, the
<br />permittee, before proceeding, shall obtain the written consent of all persons, agencies, or authorities concerned, and shall acquire al!
<br />property, rights, and interests needed #or the work.
<br />9. This permit is permissive only. No liability shall be imposed by the State of Minnesota or any of its officers, agents or employees, o#ficially
<br />or personaAy, on account of the granting hereo# or on account of any damage to any person or property resulting from any act or omission
<br />of the permittee or any of its agents, employees, or contractors. This permi# shall not be construed as estopping or limiting any legal
<br />claims or right of action of any person other than the state against the permittee, its agents, employees, or contractors, for any damage or
<br />injury resulting from any such act or omission, or as estopping or limiting any legal claim or right of action of the state against the
<br />permittee, its agents, employees, or contractors for violation of or failure to comply wi#h the permit or applicable conditions.
<br />10. Any extension of the surface of public waters from work authorized by this permit shall become public waters and left open and
<br />unobstructed for use by the public.
<br />11. Where the work authorized by this permit involves the draining or filling of wetlands not subject to DNR regulations, the permittee shall not
<br />initiate any work under this permit. until the permittee has obtained official approval from the responsible local government unit as required
<br />by the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act.
<br />12. This permit shal{ become effective on the date it is recorded in the County Recorder's Office where this work is authorized. The work
<br />affecting public waters authorized herein shall not be commenced until a Notice of Permit has been conspicuously posted at the
<br />construction site by the permittee and a copy of the recorded permit is posted on or near the premises upon which the work is conducted.
<br />A Notice of Permit will be issued by the Commissioner upon receipt of a Certified copy of the recorded permit.
<br />13. All conditions of this permit shall bind the permsttee, his or her heirs and assigns and shall run with the land,
<br />1A. The permittee shall provide the Department of Natural Resources with photographs of the project area after completion of the project
<br />authorized.
<br />15. The permittee shall maintain the authorized project in a stable and safe condition. At any time the Commissioner finds that the project is
<br />subject to instability, creates a navigation hazard, has become a public nuisance, or has fallen into a state of disrepair, he/she shall order
<br />the owner to repair the project within a specified time.
<br />16. Any Commissioner's Order terminating this permit may also require the permittee, of his/her own expense, to remove within the time
<br />specified in said Order, any authorized project constructed under this permit and, if applicable, any unauthorized project in violation of this
<br />permit. Said Order shall also require the permittee to restore, if necessary, the public waters or beds thereof to the condition existing
<br />before the unauthorized activity.
<br />COUNTY OF j'~~~~t'" l.>t;? ~I
<br />Subscribed and sworn to me this ;~~~ day of
<br />/I`i~ ~p-y-('.,p4~t.C',f'!l._ , 200
<br />My commission expires: ~,,.) ri`f?/` l?
<br />/
<br />This instrument was drafted by the Minnesota Department of
<br />Natural Resources, Division of Waters, (Address)
<br />Executed at (City), MN this:
<br />~ Day of 'e`~~ 1,~--, ~ ~ ~" , 200
<br />HEtaTt~lER,4~N TETRAl34"~
<br />~,~.' AtoteryEautslie-Minnesota COMMISSIONER OF MINNESOTA
<br />~ _~` MYGommisslanF~Pras.larsBt,201a DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES
<br />Place ~nr+r
<br />Notl-iry~~'ublic Signature Authorized Signet re
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<br />This information is available in an alternative format upon request.
<br />Version 09/29/04
<br />