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University of Minnesota Water Resources Science Program Degree Recipients <br />Brooke Asleson received her M.S. <br />in August 2007. Her thesis was titled <br />"The Development and Application of <br />a Four-Level Rain Garden Assessment" <br />Asleson was advised by John Nieber and <br />Raymond Hozalsl<i. <br />David Blumer received his M.S. in <br />September 2007. His plan B paper was <br />titled "Using hot water to kill Eurasian <br />watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L) <br />fragments" Blumer was advised by Ray <br />Newman. <br />Adam Sealock received his M.S. in <br />September 2007. His thesis was titled <br />`An Investigation of Disturbance, <br />Sampling Methods, the River <br />Continuum Concept, and Hydroseres in <br />Hardwood Creek, a Ditched Stream in <br />Minnesota, USA" Sealock was advised <br />by Len Ferrington. <br />Student Spotlight <br />Sharam <br />(Shane) <br />Missaghi is <br />the first re- <br />cipient of the <br />newly estab- <br />lished Butler <br />Jessen Water <br />Resources <br />Award which will provide funding for <br />his travel to Perth, Australia, this Janu- <br />ary. Shane has been working on two <br />lake models in the last year The first <br />model., Estuary and Lake Computer <br />Model (ELCOM) is a three-dimen- <br />sional model that produces a detailed <br />pattern of water and mixing within <br />the lake. The second model, Compu- <br />tational Aquatic Ecosystem DYnamics <br />Model (CAEDYM), is a water quality <br />model that uses the ELCOM's output <br />as a hydrodynamic driver to simulate <br />biochemical interactions. Together, <br />these two models can produce details <br />of physical, chemical, and biological <br />interactions in the lake. Shane will be <br />receiving on-site training at University <br />of Western Australia, Perth. <br /> <br />' Adam W. Martin <br /> <br />~~ ~r , Sealock was <br />- Tsz-Ki Tsui <br />~ <br />r <br />l.. <br />named recipi- , <br />' ~`" ~ <br />~ .~ <br />received the <br /> ent of the 2007 `~`` ~ = <br />i-. ,>. <br />2007 Society <br /> University of y ~ J ~ ~ of Environ- <br />- Minnesota mental Toxi- <br />~ ~ Distinguished cology and <br />- , <br />__i ~ a~ Master's Thesis Chemistry/ <br />" Award, and will - ' -- ~ International <br />represent the U of M in the competition <br />for the Midwest Association of Gradu- <br />ate Schools' (MACS) Distinguished <br />Master's Thesis Award. His MS thesis, <br />"An Investigation of Disturbance, Sam- <br />pling Methods, the River Continuum <br />Concept, and Hydroseres in Hardwood <br />Creek, a Ditched Stream in Minnesota, <br />USA," has important implications for <br />biomonitoring and bioassessment of <br />disturbed stream systems. His work is <br />currently being used by the Minnesota <br />Pollution Control Agency. Sealock <br />received the M.S. degree in September <br />2007 under the direction of Professor <br />Leonard Ferrington, and is employed by <br />the Metropolitan Council in the Envi- <br />ronmental Services Division. <br />Copper (SETAC/ICA) Association <br />Chris Lee Award for Metals Research. <br />Tsz-Ki Tsui's research addresses <br />questions related to the environmen- <br />tal controls of mercury transfer in <br />watersheds and aquatic ecosystems. <br />The research focuses specifically on <br />the mechanisms that control transfer <br />of mercury into terrestrial and aquatic <br />food webs. By developing a mechanis- <br />tic understanding of mercury transfer <br />from dissolved organic and inorganic <br />forms through. food webs, Tsz-I<i <br />Tsui's research may improve the ability <br />to predict which ecosystems are most <br />at risk, and what environmental condi- <br />tions may attenuate or increase rates <br />of transfer into humans and important <br />wildlife species. <br />Minnegram is published quarterly by The University of Minnesota Water Resources Center <br />Directors: James L. Anderson, Faye Sleeper, Deborah L. Swackhamer <br />Editors: Samantha Hensley, Evelyn Hampton, Tracy Thomas Wilson <br />Article Submissions: Minnegram welcomes articles, letters to the editor, news stories, photos, and other materials for <br />publications. Please address correspondance to: Minnegram Editor, Water Resources Center, 173 McNeal Hall, 1985 <br />Buford Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108, E-mail:, Web site:, phone: (612) 624-9282. <br />The University of Minnesota is committed to the polic}' that all persons have equal access ro its programs, facilities, an employment without <br />regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual <br />orientation. <br />This material is available in other formats upon request_ Call the Water Resources Center at (612) 624-9282. <br />Copyright ©2007 Regents of the University of Minnesota. All rights reserved. <br />Minnegram 7 December 2007 <br />