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Upcoming Events <br />January 28, 2008. MPCA Clean <br />Water Council meeting. Freeman <br />Building, 625 Robert Street North, <br />Room B145, St. Paul, 9:00-2:00. Next <br />meeting: February 25, 2008. More <br />information at: http://www.pca.state. <br /> <br />January 30, 2008. The First Annual <br />.Minnesota Wetlands Conference, <br />_Hydrology: Issues and Answers. <br />Continuing Education and Conference <br />Center on the U of MN St. Paul <br />Campus, 9:00-4:00, with registration at <br />8:00 a.m. Hosted by the MN Wetland <br />Delineator Certification Program <br />and the MN Wetland Professionals <br />Association. This conference will present <br />pioneering and practical information <br />relevant to wetlands in and around <br />Minnesota and an opportunity to <br />discuss current and emerging issues <br />among professionals working in the <br />wetland community. Register online <br />at <br />February 26 and 27, 2008. Great Lakes <br />Commission. Semiannual Meeting <br />and Great Lal<es Day 2008. Palomar <br />Hotel, 2121 P Street NW, Washington <br />D.C. The semiannual meeting will <br />be held from 1:00 on February 26 <br />licti esurces <br />The `ITOlunteer Stream Monitoring <br />Partnership's_Web site for Citizen <br />Volunteers. Version 1, at: www. <br /> <br />htm is being refined. Version 2 is <br />expec4.ed to be released by January 2008. <br />For more information, visit http://biog. <br /> <br />Superior Science News on ICIIWS. <br />Minnesota Sea Grant has teamed <br />up with KUWS Radio, an affiliate of <br />Wisconsin Public Radio, to produce <br />programs about Lal<e Superior science. <br />KUWS (91.3 FM or, <br />Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7:30 <br />p.m. biweekly throughout the winter. <br />Minnegram <br />~~e~~~~„II~~~EII~~~II{~s~~~.,~,~~e~~~~~~~,~„~~~~„~,I~~P~~~E <br />T d 171 <br />`` SST'ON .LIY~I2I3d <br />NY~I `SI'IOdd3NNI1/~I <br />QIVd 3JVZSOd "S'fl <br />02I0.LI30?IdI~ION <br />00 LI8S-9ZISS NW M~In~2iOHS <br />N 1S t/I2101~In 009t~ <br />M~I/1~2iOHS ~O I`LI~ <br />OWM 3~I1I-1 SSd2t0 <br />I:SS lIJICI-£~~****~********* <br />through noon on February 27. Great <br />Lakes Day participants will be briefed <br />on legislative priorities and prepared <br />for visits to congressional offices. <br />February 14, 2008. "Using Remote <br />Sensing in Local Landuse Decisions" <br />workshop. The Initiative Foundation, <br />Little Falls, MN, 10:00-3:00. For <br />more information, contact Barb <br />Liuld<onen, <br />March 4,5,6, 2008. "Hazardous Algal <br />Blooms" workshops. Sauk Center, <br />Mankato, and St. Paul. $15 registration. <br />For more information, contact Barb <br />Liukkonen, liuld< <br />The new MinnAqua Leader's Guide, <br />Fishing: Get in the Habitat! was selected <br />to receive an Honorable Mention for the <br />2007 Sport Fish Restoration Outstanding <br />Project Awards Program sponsored by <br />the American Fisheries Society. This <br />publication is available at: www.dnr.state. <br /> <br />December 2007 <br />pa~sanbaa aalnaas ssaappy <br />80TSS NISI `InEd '~S <br />any Pao3ng S86I <br />II~H IEaNaY~i £Li <br />aaluaD soanosa~ xa~~~ <br />