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IO~innesota I)e~artment o~ Natural. Resources <br />DNR Waters - 12 0 Warner Road, St. Paul, MN 55I 06-6793 <br />Telephone: (6S 1) 259-5845 Fax: (651) 772-7977 <br />January 16, 2008 <br />Steven and Karen Wolgamot Dan and Megan Dahlberg <br />1837 Park Avenue 56I Heinel Drive <br />Mahtomedi, Minnesota 55115 Rosevil.l.e, Minnesota 55113 <br />Re: .Permit #2008-0306, Navigational Access Channel, Lake Owasso (62-56P), City of Roseville, <br />Ramsey County <br />Dear Wolgamots and Dahlbergs: <br />Enclosed is Permit #2008-0306 authorizing the excavation of a 90' long channel, with 12' bottom. <br />width to depth of 883.3' (1912 Datum} to facilitate navigational access for properties identified as 559 <br />and 561 Heinel Drive.. The channel will. begin approximately 170' out from the shoreline, extending <br />through an open water area between two peninsulas. The channel should be clearly identified and can <br />be utilized by the general public. <br />Please read ilie Conditions of this permit carefully, particularly those related to .removal of aquatic <br />vegetation and Fisheries exclusion dates. Also note that Condition #13 requires additional description <br />and approval. of dredge spoil placement. <br />Please be aware that this permit does not authorize any maintenance excavation. If fiiture maintenance <br />excavation is needed, an amendment request must be subrriitted by the Permitee(s). Maintenance <br />excavation shall not corranence until the Permittee(s) is/are in receipt of an amended permit. <br />Tf you have any questions, please contact me at (651) 259-5757. <br />Sincerely, <br />~..___.- <br />Travis Germundson <br />Area Hydrologist <br />enclosures <br />c: City of Roseville, Dennis Welsch <br />Crrass Lake WMO, Mark Maloney <br />Ramsey Conservation District, Tom Petersen <br />U.S. Anny Carps of Engineers, Tim Fell <br />Lake Owasso (62-56P) File <br />DNR Conservation Officer; Lisa Kruse <br />DNR Ecological Resources, Wayne Barstad <br />DNR Fisheries, Berry Johnson <br />DNR Wildlife, Bryan Lueth <br />DNR Central Office Permits Unit, Sohn Pax <br />DNR Infon~7atian: 651-296-6157 • 1-888-646-6367 • TTY: b51-29Cr-484 • ]-800-b57-3929 <br />An Equal Cbpportuniry Employer <br />Wtta Values Diversity <br />Pris3ied on Recycled Paper Containing a <br />~~~ Minimum ofi IU% Post-Consumer ~T~'xste <br />