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<br />S::tr2.ct of lIinutes of lIeeting <br />of Vil1e.::.:;e CO'1.nci1 of <br />Vil10ge of Rose\~11e <br />EDl';1.S0ji COUJ1t.J" ..::lJ.1l18so-Ge.. <br />Gune 23, 1761 <br /> <br />rr1~e T' '1""8 ('olD'ci1 of the Vi11D.0'e of Eosevi11e duly net in reG'--'.lex cession <br />~b ...L~ ~'b- v ". . ~ ^"~ 1"/1 ~_ 0.0/\ I J Cl" P~' <br />J... .L" "'.'1 r, ("0 1.1'''"'11 n-"" ')r'l r; :y-:r J-::.l1(~ i ~l _ ~/,,'.~_, ~.lJ v. -I.) 0 C _0 .;... ,J.. .---. <br />o.t..J line 'J l......,._Cl<..... .......c............. I.'_"H'_ - - .._'-_-....~,,/ , '-' ---, <br /> <br />1- I' drlY>"o" ." OJ D "'C C Fl2..l12.:~an, l:cGee <br />T110 fGllO~,TiJ1~ rlcn.~c:ris "\iere }Jrcserrc..: ~e cu. il .L:.,l, ~~~v -- _t: 1::., ~ <br />ar:td Shields <br /> <br />:'1" J' 11. ,. ..~ ." - "or~e ,~,","','P.~',l. ..-l-.-. <br />'.l.l18.L0 ..._01Tt:'lr~:>\;i-~) ',,"0' _ ,~_ v <br /> <br />:lC:):~18 <br /> <br />" -,~~ .;: -::- -::- ~~~- .~:- <br /> <br />,: <br /> <br />Ii"'. ~~ ~ lic31cl:: i:~.;.~rCC~_~lC8d tIle fol1o~:r~~I1S l"'C~GO 111t" r-'-:(~___~:~-l(~_ r1o~?cl its <br /> <br />adoptton: <br /> <br />"_.~-----,-----~-_..- ----1Il:"'- <br /> <br />RESOWl'ION 000 4;6 <br /> <br />RESOL11rION APProVING ENGINEERS PREI.IMINARY <br />REroR'l' AND PROVIDING FOR PtJBUC HEARING ON <br />W~ IMP1l)Va.tENT NO ~ 1. <br /> <br />BE IT REOOLVED by the Council of the Vll.1age ot lbseville: as <br />tollDv8~ <br /> <br />10 b Cbauc11 bas heretofore directed Banister &1g1neer:1 ng Company J} <br />coDSult1ng engineers, 310 SDell1ng Avenuee eto Paula Minnesota.!' to pre"" <br />ll&:'e a prel1m1Dal")' report as to the feas1bil1 t, of a pl"O}X)sed improvement <br />COD81st1ag ot the coDStraction ot wells I sto1"86e and treatmeo-, ta.cill ties <br />aD4 vater ma1ns tor the purpose ot s~ng aDd d'lstr1buting water vi thLn <br />a .ub3taDtial area ot the VUJ.asei and the eat1-.ted. cost thereof a and as <br />. to vhether such 1mproftlDeDt should best be made as proposed or in connect= <br />ioo vi t.b 80IDe other improvement 0 1be prel1m1nary report and cost est1ma:~e <br />haft been submitted by the engineers and cot181dered by the Council and. aloe <br />bueby 8.1J1XL'Oved 8Dl directed to be placed on file in the ott1ce ot the <br />Clerk 0 1'he impro'Y8UISDt proposed to be made :I.n the general manner set tOl'th <br />10 ~ report 18 dea1gnated as \later Imp1'oVllDeDt lbo 10 <br /> <br />2.. b Cbuncil shall Met at the aud.1.torlllll ot the A1.exaDder Rallaey <br />SeG10r Hlsh School on Au&a.za1; 2.. JS6l at; 8:00 o8cJ.ock PoMe tor the p&rp)II. <br /> <br /> <br />:~;:~~~-~~~~~U8llt ~_~. <br /> <br />hereby authorized aDd directed to ~. DOt1ce ~ tbe time, place aDd pur- RESOI1P.I!1tIIlI)., <br />poae ot that meet1Da to b. published tv1ce 1n tbe ottic1al newspaper, '!be 456 (OO1f]!'D..) <br />lb8e 1'r1bune.. wh1ch publications shall be 8. ".. apart, and the secoDd pub- <br />lication shall b. DOt less than three da)'a betore the date of 'the <br /> <br />30 'Jhe DOtice 8ball be 1n subataDt1a.J.q the tollav1ng tom~ <br /> <br />... <br />