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<br />- 2 - <br /> <br />acmol on tbe 2nd ~ or August. 3961 U 8:00 olaJ.ock PoM.., Cent1'8l Da;rllgbt <br />5aY1D8 ~, to bold a public ~Dg puJ'Buaat to MlDDesota. 9tatatea, <br />Cbapter 429, .. ~c, on a Jl'01lOaed 1Mter 1mpIoftlZ18r1t JI). 1 aoaa1at1ug <br />of the COD8truct1on ot vella 8Dd atorase aDd tnatment fa.c1l1 ties tor the <br />auppq ot water aDd vater ma1na vi tb1n the area "-mbed below, lubltantiaJ.q <br />in accol'daDce vi th . 1ftl1m1DU7 linK' ueer1D& Nl101"t 1Ihich is DOV 011 tUe aDd <br />0l*1 to public 1D1p11Ct1oD in the oft1ce of the Vl1]~ Clerko <br /> <br />b cost ot the 1IIIpronmeat 18 pwlDtly elUlated at approx1lately <br />.,800,000. !lbe ana pl'OJlO.ed to be __Hd tor the 1mpmnaent 1ncludea <br />the pzopert1_ situated Within the tol1av1.Da 4eacr1bed boUDd.ary: <br /> <br />~cing at a point at the intereect10D of Count)' !bad fiB" aDd Western <br />Avenue, sa1d point also being the SOuthv88t comer of the SOutheast <br />qQUter of Sect10n 12. T 29, R 23, thence northerly aJ.ons the C8l1terl1ne <br />or Western Avenue 8. distance ot approx:1mately 762 feet to the inter- <br />seC't1on of Western Avenue SDd T.R. 136 u it DOY esists# thence V8Ster~ <br />alone the cente1"Une of 8f'oresaid. T.JL #36 . distance of approximately <br />269' teet to the intersection of ToR. 136 aDd DBle BtI'8et; thence westerly <br />a1DDs the ceDterllne of aforesaid '1'.. II. 136 as it now msts a diS'taDce <br />or ~ 5,260 teet to the inte1'8ect1on or I.ex1ngton Avenue 8Dd <br />atOnea1d T.JL 1361 thence 'WeSterq aJ.oas the ceoterllDe ot atoreaa1d <br />!r. JI. #36 as it DOV mats a distance of 1,31.5.2 tNti thence aortherly <br />8Dd paraJJ.el with the east line or Sect1011 10, '1' 29, B 23, a distance <br />~ 964.7 teeto !!Ience westerly a distance ot 456 teet, thence DOrtherly <br />a d1staDce or 200 teet to the centerl1De ot Count)' lbad "B-2ft &I it DOV <br />mats, said point ~ a distaDce at 200 teet -..ter~ ot the inter- <br />lect10n at atoreea1d County !bad "B-2" aDd Dell1lOOd Avenue, tbeIlce <br />northerly aDd paraJJ.el with B8m11ne AftnQ8 & d18'taDce of 1,312..6 teetj) <br />tbeace W88ter~ . distance of 327.4 teet, 'thence norther~.. aDd ~ <br />With ~HDe AveD.. a distanoe of 250 teet to the centerllue ot Oakcreat <br />Avell.., tbeDce WlIterty 8. distance or 1'n.6 teet to a 1X)1Dt on the center- <br />11ne ot ~t MmI.1e, aa1d point ~ a cU.ltance ot l49.8 teet <br />...ter~ at the of "-"'1 of De AnnuaJ tbcce northe1-1;1 aDd peral1e1. <br />w1th the ceoterl1ne o.f 1IMn11ne Avmue 2).0 rea} 'tbcce euter~ 27' tNtJ <br />thence northerl1 aD4 paraJJ.el v1th ...,..~ ....ue 200 f., \bIDce <br />WI1;ar~ ].31..8 ~oe ~ l~ t.. tblDoe -..t-l1' 75 feRJ <br />tbeDoe DO~~ 138.9' to . llOSorn OQ ~ ....wUDe of IbM P.1aoeJ <br />tlwoe ___~ a1.cas 'the o__1:l.D8 at .... P.lMe SJ8 t. to & JOint <br />118 teet \Un.t. tzoca tba ~~.. 01 'n '*4.,. ___, ......~_ <br />.. ~'W 1d.tb tile ~ ~ i ~._ Jr'l_ ", ,.. .. & JIU' <br />. .. -~ftp~_.. !-. ~..._,...~ ~ <br /> <br />along the centerl1ne ot aforeH1cl <0 ". .~ ~y~ 0 <br />rigbt;-o:f-wa..Y a d1stance ot . ~ ~ce DOrther4" <br />a distance 0: ..-ppro.x1MteJ.y 110 tMt 116 .' illO~ oozmr of 'the <br />But 1/4 ot Sect10n 3, T 29, R 23; ~ .' no~ one (1) mUe <br />to a point on the north l1ne of d Sect10D 31 tbmce westerly <br />~ 3,922 teet to the DOrt1nI8at comer at aforesaid <br />Sect10n 31 thence southerly al.oDg the 1I88t Une ~ at"o1'e8&id Section 3 <br />& 41stance of ..-ppro.x1Mte1y 1/4 m1le to tbe southwllat corner ot the <br />IV 1/4 of the IV 1/4 ot atoresa1d Sect10D 3, aa1d point' also being the <br />1Dteraeet1on ot T.R. 51 as t't now ex18'ta 8D4 ~ Avenue~ thence <br />vester~ along the cen'terllDe at ~ Awr:we 8. distance ot ~ teet; <br />tl18nc'..e so\ltber~ and peral1e1. nth 'the eu't line at 6ec't1On 4, T 299 <br />1\ 23, & d1stanae of 1, ~ fee\; to a p>1nt on the ao\lt;h l1ne of the <br />lIB 1./4 of atoresa1d Sect10n 4J t.bmce ve8'ter~ along af'oresa1d soU'th <br />line ot atozeaa1d IN 1/4 at Sect10n 4 a d1ateAce of 75 teet; 'thence <br />;her:q ao4 pBZ'8l1e1 vlt.b the eat 1:J.De Of at'oreaa1d Sect:1011 ~ a <br /> <br /> <br />fUBIJ:C m:ARIID <br />o..1V 1l1~ ~ ' <br />1CJJU'rlICIf 10 ~ <br />456 (CQI'I'J)Q) <br />