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<br />. After r~ading of the notice, <br />the pUblished notice of hearLng. <br />f d d opportunity to be heard, and <br />all persons present were af or e <br />the names and addresses of the persons appearing and heard by <br /> <br />d the su~stance of the views presented by them <br />the council, anlJ <br /> <br />were as follows: <br /> <br />M.a. BERN'ARD LIT~JAJ.\j, Attorney at Law, l-u.ucJesota Building, St. <br />Paul... Minnesota, representiug lV1r. Clanmce Krueger, owner of Lot 2, <br />Block J... In favor of tJ1E:! improvemellt. Ohe of t.l.le signers of tne <br />original petition presented to t..le Council. dis property canlJot be <br />improved witnout nav.li1g Fulnam Street opened up. <br /> <br />Ilia. VICTOR V!K,2118 N.idlotJ.d,an .Road: de. can't get a pernlit to <br />bu~ld untiJ. tJle street is put cLlrough. In favor of tne improvement. <br />Said tLlat (l.e was agreeable to stand tilE:! cost of tLle assessments. <br /> <br />MR. FLOYD FOSLIEN, 2176 i~ortLl Rosewood Lane: prev~ously owned <br />tile nouse at 2250 st. Stephens street. When he sold that property <br />ue retained the back part of t.lle lot which would be tne east half <br />of ~t 3, Block 3, Todd's 0ut.lot. rl~ls paid sewer and water <br />assessments for about teu years. It' s a conlp.J..ete.l.y unusable lot alJd <br />ue' s been de:uied a bl.ll.ld~ug permit. Ollly tne neigLlbors benefit <br />alblouga Lle' s paying taxes and assessments of between $250 and $300 <br />a year. de asswl\ed tuat wnen tlle sewer and water were put in tile <br />street would soon follow. In favor of tne street improvement. <br /> <br />.~. AL~N OKEKY~, dker~man Construction Co., 2515 Blaisdell <br />Avenue, l\i.ii:t~neapolis, M.L~I.i1esota: OWns part of Lot 2 w!licn is <br />directly beniad tne nouse ttlat faces tLle service road on Hig!lway 36. <br />dClS tL:te sarlle sit~ation .In tnat he can't build on the lot W.Lt!lout <br />the street. In favor of tne improvement. <br /> <br />Na. IVlILTON l\IELSOl'l, 2280 West .dig~lway 36: Feels tnat only the <br />peopl.e WilO will be benefl.tting from the street sflould pay t:he <br />assessments and tnat there are so few of tnese it would make the <br />cost prOhibitive. <br />