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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, Apri126, 2010 <br />Page 18 <br />Mayor Klausing recessed the meeting at approximately 9:14 p.m. and reconvened at approx- <br />imately 9:19 p.m. <br />13. Business Items - Presentations/Discussions <br />a. Finance Department Presentation regarding Imagine Roseville 2025 Topics <br />Imagine Roseville 2025 Comments <br />Finance Director Chris Miller highlighted the limited number of action steps iden- <br />tified as part of the process related to Finance and/or Information Technology <br />functions of the City, and those items systematically addressed and responded to <br />by staff. Mr. Miller noted the pro-active steps taken over the last decade in leve- <br />raging partnership opportunities with other jurisdictions (i.e., library system, <br />school districts) and other communities in the area; leveraging local and non-local <br />dollars (i.e., grants); and further evolution and expansion of those partnerships in <br />the future. Mr. Miller applauded the willingness of those other jurisdictions for <br />their willingness to discuss and consider such partnership, especially in areas <br />sharing common constituents to achieve economies of scale, and keep tax rates <br />down. <br />Capital Investment Plan (CIP~ Comments <br />While not anticipating significant changes, Mr. Miller noted that staff was in the <br />process of revising and updating this document, hopefully for presentation to the <br />City Council at their meeting on May 17, 2010. Based on assumptions and pro- <br />jections, Mr. Miller emphasized to Councilmembers the significant needs coming <br />up over the next decade and funding gaps in replacing assets at the end of their <br />useful life, while recognizing improving technologies for cost-effective or effi- <br />cient replacement, elimination or shared services where possible. Mr. Miller <br />noted the significant portion of the City's Park Improvement Plan (PIP) substan- <br />tially unfunded with existing funding sources and current revenue streams, with <br />the Master Planning process providing a great template for future park decision- <br />making. <br />Mr. Miller also addressed vehicle replacement, now at approximately one-half of <br />the optimum sustainable amount needed; and future need to rethink the number <br />and type of vehicles in the fleet. <br />Discussion included future realistic decisions for potential joint or shared facilities <br />(i.e., Fire Stations); potential sharing of street/park maintenance vehicles, plowing <br />equipment, and patrol cars; estimated $18 million of the total $40 million shortfall <br />represented in park system assets; original park facility construction and amenities <br />built with money no longer available; continued deterioration of water and sewer <br />system components originally built in the 1960's; need to capitalize on new tech- <br />nologies; and planning for replacement of general City-owned facilities. <br />