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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, Apri126, 2010 <br />Page 17 <br />Councilmember Roe spoke in support of extending the on-site crushing process; <br />but encouraged the applicant to get the demolition over with as soon as possible, <br />even with the extension. <br />Councilmember Ihlan noted her inability to attend the meeting when the original <br />Interim Use was requested, further noting that she would have opposed the re- <br />quest, given the proximity to the residential neighborhood and park, an docu- <br />mented impacts to health and quality of life from the dust; and would have sup- <br />ported recycling off-site. Therefore, Councilmember Ihlan advised that she could <br />not support the requested extension based on those concerns. <br />Councilmember Johnson opined that trucking off-site would be much more dis- <br />ruptive than extending on-site recycling for another month. <br />Discussion included anticipated truck loads of materials (600-900 truck loads for <br />transport off-site); mitigation steps available for the applicant on-site during the <br />crushing process. <br />Councilmember Pust noted references on Attachment E to the RCA coordination <br />by the applicant with the City's Park and Recreation Department of an implemen- <br />tation plan to restrict access to the project area and to keep the public informed on <br />use of the park trails. <br />Public Works Director Schwartz advised that City Engineer Bloom and Parks and <br />Recreation Director Brokke had both attended the preconstruction conference <br />held with the contractor during which time the schedule had been discussed; and <br />that the contractor made a commitment to keep trails open most of the time and to <br />sign them as applicable. <br />Roe moved, Johnson seconded, extension of the dates of operation of the ap- <br />proved INTERIM USE, as detailed in Condition "H" of Resolution No. 10787 <br />adopted February 22, 2010; and as detailed in the RCA dated April 26, 2010; al- <br />lowing the temporary recycling of concrete at the Dale Street Reservoir, 1901 <br />Vista Drive to continue until June 12, 2010; based on the comments and findings <br />of Sections 4-5; and subject to the condition that the applicant send a letter to the <br />owners of property within 500 feet of the reservoir site to inform them of the <br />project status and to instruct the property owners to call Saint Paul Regional Wa- <br />ter Services (SPRWS) staff with questions and concerns. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Johnson; Roe; Pust; and Klausing. <br />Nays: Ihlan. <br />Motion carried. <br />Recess <br />