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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, Apri126, 2010 <br />Page 5 <br />preference that they conform to the surrounding neighborhood; and staff's esti- <br />mate that approximately 70 new lots would be created with such a code revision <br />for reduced lot sizes at 9,500 square feet. <br />Councilmember Johnson thanked staff for their ongoing work on this rewrite. <br />11. Public Hearings <br />a. Public Hearing regarding Twin Lakes Infrastructure Study Amendment <br />City Engineer Debra Bloom summarized the Twin Lakes Infrastructure Study first <br />adopted in February 25, 2008; updated December 15, 2008; and annually re- <br />viewed and updated as conditions change; all detailed in the RCA dated April 26, <br />2010. <br />Ms. Bloom reviewed the purpose and background of the Infrastructure Study and <br />provided an update on roadway costs since that previous review, including envi- <br />ronmental clean-up, building demolition, actual right-of--way costs, actual con- <br />struction and engineering costs, and adjustment for construction events. <br />Ms. Bloom referenced Attachments C and D included in the packet, with Attach- <br />ment Drecently updated and highlighting fixed cost agreements. Ms. Bloom re- <br />viewed calculations for network trips (sum of development vehicular trips that <br />pass through intersections/segments requiring improvements); and total cost allo- <br />cation (this developments total cost proportion based on its network impacts). <br />Ms. Bloom further reviewed costs for public utilities, noting that there were no <br />proposed changes at this time, as those calculations were based on parcel acreage. <br />Discussion included attendance at the most recent meeting for property owners, <br />with staff advising that approximately 25 attended that meeting, in addition to <br />other opportunities to meet with staff one-on-one. <br />Mayor Klausing opened the Public Hearing at approximately 6:42 p.m. <br />Public Comment <br />Reed Aaron, RV resident (with solar group) <br />Mr. Aaron sought information on the process for soil contamination studies and <br />analysis, as well as resolution of that contamination. <br />Ms. Bloom advised that all phases of infrastructure improvements for the redeve- <br />lopment were under review by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) <br />through Response Action Plans (RAP's) filed with the MPCA for all areas dis- <br />turbed on the City rights-of--way, with private property owners responsible for any <br />contamination on their private property. <br />