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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, Apri126, 2010 <br />Page 9 <br />the fall of 2010, at which time the City would be notified by Xcel of CRFS im- <br />plementation and the surcharge implemented 60-90 days after construction was <br />completed and based on actual construction costs. <br />Collette Jurek, Xcel Energy Manager -Community & Local Government <br />Relations, SE Metro Area -Newport Service Center <br />Ms. Jurek was present and assisted in presenting more detailed information from <br />the perspective of Xcel Energy for this type of request. <br />Councilmember Ihlan sought any other source of financing for this project, ex- <br />pressed concern with requiring residential property owners to be surcharged <br />across the entire City for this $15 - 16 total over the next three years, questioning <br />if the entire city benefited from the undergrounding of lines in a specific area of <br />the City. Councilmember Ihlan suggested it may be more appropriate to use re- <br />serves, or other options, prior to considering acity-wide surcharge without the <br />public being fully aware of it until applied to their utility bill. <br />Finance Director Miller advised that there was nothing in place at this time for <br />something of this magnitude; noting that many cities have used such a surcharge, <br />equating the improvement to a service enhancement benefitting the entire com- <br />munity; and recommended this financing as the easiest and best way to accom- <br />plish the undergrounding and aesthetic improvement to the community and the <br />Rice Street corridor at this time. <br />Councilmember Roe noted that the City currently spreads a significant portion of <br />its street projects through the City - 75%, establishing a precedent in spreading the <br />benefit of such an overall community improvements throughout the City, similar <br />to undergrounding of electric lines. Councilmember Roe noted that, if the City of <br />Roseville had a franchise fee similar to that of Little Canada, the costs would be <br />passed on by Xcel to rate payers for such an improvement and all residents would <br />be paying for the improvement through that method. <br />Discussion included approval of such a surcharge by the PUC and not requiring a <br />public hearing for this type of action, based on recent case law (City of Oakdale v. <br />Xcel Energy) and Xcel Energy's right to recover incremental costs for improve- <br />ments; and the inclusion of installation of empty conduit for additional street <br />lighting and fiber by both cities during this undergrounding of electric lines. <br />Mayor Klausing recognized the additional cost being imposed on property own- <br />ers, in addition to him and individual Councilmembers; however, he spoke in <br />support of the minimal cost of $15 - 16 over a three year period to make such an <br />aesthetic improvement to one of the main thoroughfares into through the commu- <br />nity, and opined that the benefit far outweighed the cost, and would open up other <br />beautification and environmental options. Mayor Klausing expressed his lack of <br />