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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, Apri126, 2010 <br />Page 8 <br />Mayor Klausing noted that the City Council had, by previous action, approved <br />draft feasibility studies and plans for Phases I -III. <br />Councilmember Roe noted that AUAR traffic studies indicate that not very far in <br />to redevelopment, Phase III would need to be implemented, and opined that it was <br />appropriate to complete the design work now for Phase III, while not yet approv- <br />ing the phase itself. <br />Councilmember Ihlan disagreed with Mayor Klausing and Councilmember Roe, <br />opining that there were serious considerations needed related to environmental <br />and quality of life impacts with Phase III, in addition to costs, and accordingly <br />spoke in opposition to the motion. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: Johnson; Roe; Pust; and Klausing. <br />Nays: Ihlan. <br />Motion carried. <br />d. Adopt Resolution directing Xcel Energy to Underground Overhead Electric <br />Lines along Rice Street <br />A bench handout, consisting of an e-mail from Roger Hess Jr, 1914 Wagener <br />Place, to staff and staffls response was distributed. <br />Public Works Director Duane Schwartz summarized the project's total history; <br />preliminary cost estimate in January of 2010 of $574,300 and subsequent City <br />Council support of the Cities of Roseville and Little Canada respectively; and re- <br />vised and reduced total cost estimates refined at $551,259, with $275,629.50 net <br />cost estimated for the City of Roseville's share, and will include burying of <br />east/west overhead lines at the County Road B-2 intersection. Mr. Schwartz <br />noted that there may be some additional costs for Roseville for necessary ease- <br />ments for ground-mounted transfer switches and other equipment estimated at ap- <br />proximately $10,000. Mr. Schwartz noted that the City of Little Canada was pro- <br />posing to cost-share this project and participate in buying down the City of Rose- <br />ville's portion to achieve the net cost to Roseville, proposed for collection through <br />Xcel Energy surcharge option, Community Requested Facility Surcharge (CRFS), <br />as authorized by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC). <br />Mr. Schwartz advised that the surcharge cost over a three year (36 month) period <br />for Roseville's Xcel electric residential customers would be $0.44/month over <br />that period, with the largest commercial customer estimated at $1.76/month for <br />that same period. Mr. Schwartz noted that an agreement was being negotiated be- <br />tween the Cities of Roseville and Little Canada regarding this transaction, and <br />would come before the City Council in May for their approval. Mr. Schwartz an- <br />ticipated construction to begin in June of 2010, with overhead lines removed by <br />