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Regular City Council Meeting <br />Monday, April 12, 2010 <br />Page 12 <br />Ms. Bloom reviewed original cost allocations and their initial calculation based on <br />cost per network trip; future improvement costs allocated proportionately to the <br />appropriate redevelopment; roadway cost estimates based on concept sketches, <br />lateral impacts, and major construction components and contingencies; and <br />MnDOT 2007 average bid prices. Since that time, Ms. Bloom noted additional <br />information now available, allowing for a more precise calculation, including: <br />^ Additional environmental clean up on Phase I; <br />^ Additional costs for building demolition; <br />^ Availability of actual right-of--way costs; <br />^ Actual construction and engineering costs to-date; <br />^ Engineer's estimates; <br />^ Adjustments for construction inflation; <br />^ Addition of grant funds received to-date; and <br />^ Addition of remnant parcels as they are sold. <br />Ms. Bloom reviewed cost comparisons based on Traffic Consultant SRF calcula- <br />tions, from November of 2008 to March of 2010 updates for this evolving project, <br />using as an example the now-completed Metro Transit Park and Ride facility con- <br />structed at Iona Lane and Mount Ridge Road, and allocation of those fixed costs <br />throughout the development as applicable. Ms. Bloom noted that this updating <br />would be ongoing as new developments came in and cost allocations were re- <br />vised, based on those average cost per network trip allocations. <br />Discussion among staff and Councilmembers included the complexity of this cal- <br />culation system designed by SRF. <br />Ms. Bloom also reviewed public utility cost allocations, with more detailed in- <br />formation available at the upcoming public hearing, similar to the cost allocation <br />study presented tonight, taking into consideration the overall area for sanitary <br />sewer, storm sewer and water main costs for the area; however, noting that this <br />calculation would be much less complex, and based on parcel size. <br />Ms. Bloom reviewed the next steps, which would include meeting with interested <br />parties regarding the updated study at the April 26, 2010 City Council meeting <br />(Public Hearing); City Council consideration of approval of study updates; City <br />Council consideration and approval of plans and specifications and ordering ad- <br />vertisement for bids for Phase II of the infrastructure improvements from Cleve- <br />land Avenue to the roundabout at Prior Avenue, and including a signal at Prior <br />Avenue and County Road C; and City Council consideration and approval of <br />amending the consultant contract. <br />Councilmember Roe requested that staff attempt to provide larger-type or more <br />readable spreadsheets for the Public Hearing scheduled for Apri126, 2010. <br />11. Public Hearings <br />